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undefined Order with confidence
Order with confidence

Is it safe to use my credit card while shopping at Phool Time ?

Before you submit your credit card and number and personal details on our order form, it may be useful to understand the procedure that your payment will go through :

Step 1 : You fill in the order details in our order form along with your credit card number and details

Step 2 : Your order details are sent by e-mail to a Phool Time representative who checks it for correctness and forwards it to a Phool Time florist in the city where the delivery is to be made

Step 3 : The credit card details are forwarded to a representative from ICICI MagicCart who checks the credit card details with your issuing bank and debits the payment from your account.

Step 4: The delivery is made by the respective city-based Phool Time florist.

Through every step of this process, we take care that your credit card number or details are NEVER revealed to anyone else.

In case you still wish to be safe, payment can be made through cheque and draft. Please refer to our Payment Options page for details.

In case of any queries, please feel free to contact a Phool Time representative at

Phool Time