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I'm Baaaaaaaaaack!!!!! :)~

***Believe in karma, for what YOU give is what you will get retuned.
What you sew, so shall you reap.
Everything you do unto others WILL be brought back upon YOU by your creator and the powers that be!****

Welcome! Come on in, sit back, and enjoy the music
(you are listening to Elton John's The Bitch Is Back) *wEg*

Please check back often, I will be making LOTS of changes!

  • My other page was a total mess
  • It's about time I did something to it anyway
  • Just needed a little 'push' LOL

Check out the links below: Some of my older stuff is still out there
(nah nah nah nah nah)

Wolf and Native American stuff, lyrics, and personal info, stuff that's been in the works for a couple months (thanks again Luniz!)
It's all there, just rest your cursor on the menu!

About ME

Pictures of my sanctuary, Arizona

Click here for a Tribute to our very own Jester

picnic 2000 PICTURES picnic 2000 PICTURES picnic 2000 PICTURES !!

2000 Party Pictures

Chat party INFO by the fabulous Chaos


KJ's new place, and check out her CHAT room while you're there!

~ E-mail Me ~

***********COPYRIGHT 2000 ZLynn Productions***********
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