April 17, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            Aka is here.

            “Good afternoon, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. With thy emotional problem as it is, this in itself would cause this one to be overweight.

            But, you have still another physical problem. This within itself is uremia poisoning. Kidneys within themselves are not at the proper time functioning as they should. We would suggest the drinking of six full glasses of water daily. This should be done for a period of seven days. Drinking as many other liquids as thy desire, drinking before each meal, approximately of 30 minutes before each meal, that of the sage tea of the same.      

            For thy morning meal, take before the meal one ounce of safflower oil, one piece of toast, and one glass of milk. Do not, at any time, skip any meal. Take them properly and on time.

            For thy luncheon, as many green vegetables of any variety that thy desire. Soon you will be able to buy that that is known as the cantaloupe; take of as many of these as thy desire. Use of the salt that comes from the sea, none other.

            For thy evening meal, still again one ounce of safflower oil before the meal. For one meal, take that of the fish foods that comes from the sea and again of as many green vegetables as thy desire. Of another meal, take of the liver that comes from the beef with as many green vegetable as thy desire. Do not cook any of these vegetables; eat them raw, as they come in their natural form. Of thy third, eat of the fresh-water foods and again as many green vegetables as thy would desire. Of thy fourth, take of the lean of the beef with again as many green vegetables as thy desire. Of thy fifth meal, thy may eat anything thy desire. Of thy sixth, again of the fresh-water fish variety. Of thy seventh meal, again of the salt-water fish of thy variety.

            Remember before all meals, taking of the safflower oil, one ounce of the same. This should be continued for a three-month period. At such time, we should give further readings.

            Of that that is in thy heart, we see thy need and thy longing of the same. We shall answer your question in this manner. Give that unto your God that belongs to God. Give that unto your brother that belongs to your brother. But just as important, service thy own needs. Do not cage your emotions. And thy were not born into chastity, therefore, give that unto your body that is needed. If you do not, your family and your self shall suffer from the same. Worry not again upon this one who waits in selfish need, for we have heard thy cries in the darkness, and we shall be there and serve thy need. But give unto this one what is his, no more or no less, for him demands come in selfishness, not in grace and not before God, therefore, as the journey of his should flow unto the river, and therefore, should flow unto the pit of the same.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes Aka. [2-19-71-002] of 1465 [Amperhand] Ave., Apt __, Yonkers, New York, has had a dream in which she saw two birds flying in the sky, and they came down and sat on a fence and sang beautiful songs and then flew away leaving some feathers. She would like to know the meaning of it.”

            [Note: The spiritual messengers of God looked into the dream, saw what would be, and spoke sadly.] Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this way. Though where thy dwell shall be destroyed, it shall come again. And all shall come in peace before this one thy should know as the Christ, for, as we have said before, we come but for one purpose and that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “No, Aka, I cannot.” [See note below.]

            Then give it thought into the same, and the answer shall dwell within thy souls.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Aka, are you saying that this person should move?”


            “Aka, [5-7-71-002] is concerned regarding the mining activity up the stream from their ranch. She wonders if you have any advice as to what they should do to protect their water or themselves from contamination?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And as the time that shall come when the water shall be contaminated, protect thyself with other sources of land. But do not sell at the present time. We shall serve thee and tell thee of the correct time to sell, for as you have walked before your God, your God has walked before thee. And for those who should serve their God in serving this work, we shall take care of their needs. Have the water tested on a monthly basis from this point forward. Register these tests at the present time before witnesses of the same. Say nothing to anyone. Do not hide this, but do not take it forth unto others of the knowledge thy shall possess. When the time comes, those who should offend thee shall pay for it tenfold. Can thy understand of which we speak?


            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka, I have one other question. Soul Ruth is concerned about a conflict in a planned trip to Miami and also the trip to Yuma. Do you have any, can you shed any light on this for her as to what will happen or what she should do?”

            Yes, we see thy need. And as you have given honor unto your God, your God shall give honor unto you, and this honor shall be before men and women of the same. Fear not, for we walk before thee and guide thee, for thy have opened thy door that we may enter. Thy have given that unto thy Lord that is thy Lord’s. Do not reject the idea of making this trip, but let them give you more than ample notice. This they have not done. And this they will do. So worry not upon it. Let us take care of this need. Can thy understand of which we speak?

            “Yes, Aka,.” [She says].

            Yes, we see this. Thy have other questions, ask.

            Then we shall answer in this manner. Fear not this word thy call communion. Do you think that we shall not be there and guide each footstep in its proper place? For we shall answer you in this manner — for you shall always remember the miracle of your candelabra.

            Now is the time of the Cherub, and the Fifth Angel stands upon your earth. Fear not, the children of God.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Editor’s note: Thirty years beforehand, did the spiritual messengers of God foresee what would happen on September 11, 2001 -- that two airplanes would destroy the twin towers of the World Trade Center -- as they answered this question April 17, 1972, of a woman from New York about her dream?]


[Numbers have been substituted for names, locations and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared with the tape recorded voice for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona