June 2, 1972

Globe, Arizona



            “Good evening, Aka. Where is Ray?”

            Soul Ray stands with God.

            Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say into these words.

            But first, we should say unto those -- we have placed a block within Ray’s mind, but we did not leave him defenseless. And we should say unto those who should walk a false path, that what the Lord has given the Lord shall take away. Thy have walked long before this one under the Lord’s protection. Beware.

            And we say unto thee, soul Luke, these words. Thy have taken the vows before God; yet, thy know not the meaning of the word of love. We have said before, do not misinterpret our words; do not twist them to meet your own selfish needs, and this has been done. And we should say unto thee, beware, for the wrath of the Lord is great, for nothing from either side shall be allowed to interfere with this work. We are here but for one purpose, and that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And those who are chosen should prepare first within themselves. If they cannot do this, let them walk away. We have asked you to promise nothing. Those things that thy gave unto thy Lord was given of thy free will. We have asked but two things, to love unto thy Lord one-tenth of the love the Lord should give unto thee, to love unto mankind in the same manner -- and to coveth nothing that should belong to another. And for those who should encourage this, then they should walk alone and become lost souls. And we should say unto thee these words, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, for not one stone upon your Earth may be moved without His knowledge and His consent.

            And now, we should tell thee of this time of stress. We allowed these things to happen as they did, both for the test of soul Ray, for within him was the power of the mind to have destroyed all. Yet, he has not done this. He did not curse his Father, nor blame his Father, for he accepted that that was given unto him as karma, that that he himself had chosen.

            And we should say to those who should walk away, all thy must do is open the door that we may enter, for we are not great; we are but the servants and messengers of your Lord, God. But we have given unto thy hands a prophet. Beware, those who should stone him. Beware, those who should cast false accusations unto the same. Your Lord, your Father, is a loving Father. He should give love and kindness unto all. He has given unto thy keeping free will, but only that thy should not violate another’s free will. Thy have chosen thy paths. And it shall be a lonely path. Those things that thy have done shall be new karmas. But we warn thee now, cast no further stones, or we shall stand before this, and the wrath of the Lord shall be mighty.

            But beware of one other thing. Should we take away the block that lies within this one, then chaos should come, and we should leave, and thy should walk in darkness for 300 years, but not as you count, for each day shall be as a thousand years. And your earth shall run red with the blood of man, and the plagues should strike thy land, for only through this work have the hands of the Cherubims been stayed; for, as we have said before, should the Seventh Seal be opened, yea, yea, beware, for mankind, for there is many who have cried unto our Father for justice. [See The Revelation 6:9-17 and chapters 7-8.]

            And so, we say unto thee.

            Thy have many questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [5-7-71-001] has two questions. One, recently you spoke of someone by the name of Louise who sends greetings to [5-7-71-001], and [5-7-71-002] cannot think who this Louise is, and she asks if you’d tell her? Secondly, she would like a life reading.”

            Then we should answer your question in this manner. Of the one called, Louise, should be unto her as a guide who has stood beside her, and therefore, given unto her the guidance of our Father, and given protection unto the same. She has not opened her mind completely, that this one could speak unto her. So she chose unto this manner to speak.

            Of your second question, this one known as [5-7-71-001] has requested that she be present when this be given; therefore, it should be given at another time.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [6-2-72-000] who is here tonight, has asked in regards to a job. He would like to know if he should take the railroad job when it comes?

            We should answer in this manner. Take first of the wine and the bread that has been placed before thee. Learn of it, taste of it; know of it. Thy mind shall develop into a very psychic mind.Thy have walked one path most of thy life. Now, thy may walk another. This thy must choose for thyself, but the path that thy would walk in the light of God would never be a lonely one, and we should be there to light thy way ahead of thyself.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [6-2-72-001] has been having a problem with her husband in that he hides legal papers from her and is abusing her, and she says, ‘Could you advise me what to do about my property? Is it in my name only. Can he touch it? It is my living, and I would like to know.’”

            Yes, we see thy need. But first we should answer in this manner. As a man and a woman should come together in wedlock, they should share all things in truth. They should hide nothing from one another. For if love, as thy should know it, should be complete, it must be a thing of sharing, one unto the other.

            Of thy legal documents, nay, thy husband cannot, as thy would say, touch this, for the laws of thy land are set up in such a manner that yours is sole and separate property.

            But we should say unto this one, thy have guarded this to keep the thieves from thy door, yet, the thieves have crawled beneath the door and still taken. Open thy door in truth. Lay these things before man in truth. And in the light of God, and in the light of man, what lays in the light, a thief shall not steal. Cover it, and the thief shall steal.

            Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. [6-2-72-002] asks, ‘I have had an ear infection for over four months, and doctors haven’t been able to help me. I am very allergic to foods, drugs, and plants. Can you help me? Any pertinent information would be greatly appreciated. There are other problems that I would like help with, also.’”

            Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Thy body, as each body and the body chemicals should change daily, was not made to live in the climate thy are living in. Therefore, the plant life, the air thy breathe and the water thy drink, is poison unto the same. Go into the higher climate, and thy [current] problem shall take care of itself.

            Of thy other problem, we shall answer in this manner. If the heart guides thee, sometimes it should tell thee lies. Let the mind guide thee. Use meditation, both morning and night. If thy should remain where thy are, go unto the [saunic] baths. Graduate these, first, at 5-minute intervals, up to 30-minute intervals.

            Thy have problem in backular area, in the menstrual periods of the same. This is due to the organisms of the same not being properly used. These should be brought into adjustment by either osteopathic or chiropractic treatment. Swimming would be a good exercise for this one.

            Of thy other question of thy mind, we should say in this manner. Those who would advise these sometimes would speak with false tongues. Do not let this happen. Soul Ray in his awakening state would give unto thee much guidance and advice. Come unto him. Let him speak, that we may speak through him in this manner. Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have a rather lengthy letter that I'd like to read to you for a moment so that you will know what I’m asking. [2-19-71-001], from New York, says that she had a very strange dream. It started out that she was going to a movie: ‘Lots of people, so I sat in the balcony. The movie was a monster picture. I put my hands over my eyes and was scared to look at the creature. When I did look, it was eating people, and blood flowed freely; it covered the screen, bright red. I left in terror as the creature became real, looking for new victims. I took refuge in an old farm. People were turning on each other. An odd thing happened to the farm animals; they became bloated. Chickens were the size of beach balls.’”

            We see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Thy dream was of another time, a future time. As we have said before, that that has been placed in the sea should come from the sea. Proportions of the land thy live in shall be destroyed, and shall not be fit even for your animals to dwell within. And man shall kill man in his greed and his lust for survival.

            But we say unto thee, become as a pillar; stand firm. We shall walk before thee and guide thee and protect thy family. Do not fear. These things shall come. Pray unto the Lord it shall not be in your wintertime. But when this time should happen, take of thy belongings, only that thy can carry, and flee the land. Do not tarry and do not look back. We shall send the messages into thy mind that thy shall understand of which we speak. [See note below.]

Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. I have one other question. [6-2-72-003] says, ‘I would like to know if the physical problems I have been having have a physical or mental cause, and what should I do about it?’”

            First, we should say unto this one, go unto thy physician. These can be treated. Proportions, yes, are of a mental nature. Thy have tried to develop thy psychic abilities alone; this is not good. Come into group form and go unto soul Jude for direction and advice. We shall light the way before this one and prepare a haven unto you. Thy have other questions, ask.

            “Yes, Aka. There is another question that has been asked. ‘Could you clarify your possession of Ray, or explain how you and Ray are the same, or how you and Ray are separate?’”

            As we have said before, soul Ray is I, and I am soul Ray, for I come from a different time, a different plane. For the link to be made, the souls had to be tied together. As a before time, when soul Ray asked his Father for death and was given this gift unto the same, but yet, as he was given the gift of life and the gift to go forth and prepare a way for the people, he chose this. It was of free choice.       

We are of the Council of Thirteen. As we have said before, for those who should see of us in their mind’s eye, they shall see our Father, for we shall stand as close to soul Ray as his breath, but yet, we shall stand as close to our Father as His eyes and His heart and His tongue. For those things that were given in truth shall be received in truth. Can thy understand of which we speak? [See John 14:1-21, 16:6-27,  17:1-8 and 20-26, Acts 1:12-26, 2:1-28, The Revelation 1:1-3, 1:10-20, and chapters 4-8, 12:1-2, 14:1-7, 14:14-20, chapter 15, 19:1-16, and 22:6-22.]

            “Yes, Aka.”

            And now, soul Ray grows weary; and because of his physical condition, our time has come to depart again. But we should leave thee with these words. For those who were chosen, you said unto one another, “I shall hide nothing from the other. Everything I say and do unto each other should be in the truth of God.” Remember thy vows.

            And we should say unto soul Jude, and this one known as soul [4-1-72-001], venture forth, come forth, and have counsel with soul Ray, for the mind that wandered in his time of trial is now as it was before, for the love in his heart for all mankind is there.

            But we say unto thee, in your scripture is these words. For the Lord set forth upon your earth a prophet, and man did destroy him, and in three days we rose him back and gave him unto the people. And so, that the scripture should, would be fulfilled, so it has been. [See The Revelation 11:2-13.]

            Now is the time of the Cherub.

            Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.


[Note: In the April 17, 1972 reading, another woman from New York asked for an interpretation of her dream, which may have foreseen the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001.  But this woman from New York dreamed of another disaster there. Let us pray that it does not come to pass.]


[Editor’s note: Numbers have been substituted for names, locates and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript has been compared again to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyright © 1972 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona