August 2, 1975

Globe, Arizona



Aka is here.

Good evening, Aka; where is Ray?

Soul Ray stands with God.

Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.

As we have said before, the great Sword stands poised above you. The Sword shall cut two ways. It shall make the divisions within the land. Where no water was, water shall be; where deserts lay, gardens shall grow.

But we say unto you unto these words. Hurricanes and tornados shall plague the land. Prepare thyselves for such.

But we say unto you, abundance and harvest has been placed at your doorstep. Bring these forth. Your desert and your mountains are but pastures for your feedings. Gather now, for soon shall be the lean years. Gather in abundance. The food has been provided, as was provided for Moses and his people.

We say unto you, as the laws of the Lord were handed unto Moses, it should say unto you, “Thy shall not kill.” Prepare, therefore, in such a manner that thy should covet not that that belongs to thy brother, but thy should be able to give unto thy brothers. But stand firm. Give unto that that thy may be able to give. But thy people must survive. That the work must go on, we shall provide that that is necessary for all. Fear not.

We shall tell unto thee of the parable, the parable [for] the time of preparation.

For the prophet did come unto the land and say unto the people, “Prepare now. Bring forth your storages of many forms -- of food, of medications, of tools, that these may be used in the time of need.”

The people did scoff upon him. Yet a few did listen and they did prepare their storehouses. The others went forth wasting in a continuing manner all that was provided for their storage. In the fields and in the valleys grew abundance of food. They did not harvest it.

And then came the times of drought, [a] famine did strike upon the earth. The few that had gathered began to feed their people.

Those that had not gathered at first were sorry that they had not prepared. And then they became lustful and did prepare to covet that that belonged to their brother.

At first, their brothers gave that which they could, keeping that aside to feed their own. And they did dig wells, and they did build dams to catch the sparse water. And they did turn forth their seed to plant new land.

Yet those who should not prepare stood idle, and yet demanded food. And those who had prepared and were working said, “If you should not work, you shall not eat.”

And so those who had not prepared plotted, therefore, to kill those who had. And they did come forth into the fields that were planted. And the fields were lush and ready for harvest. And they decided to burn the crop, and therefore, to burn the people. But the wind did shift and devour them.

Now we say unto you, was it what you would call luck, or was it that the people who had prepared had prepared more than just food and provisions? They had prepared their minds in such a manner to control the element.

If you should store, we have said to store knowledge. This is the source of knowledge.

For you, who should think our words are idle and such could never be done, we should say unto you, such folly.

For you, who should hear our words and seek the wisdom, the knowledge shall be provided. We have brought forth in preparation for this time, and implanted the knowledge that is needed in soul Ray’s mind for the teaching of the same.

You soon shall start your college sessions. This is good, but yet, not enough. We say unto you, should you prepare, more teachers, more study sessions should be necessary.

If a fire can consume, so it can protect. Build the fire with your minds in such a manner that as one [twig] should stand it can be broken easily, but [as] many stand together they cannot be broken at all.

Soon, we have provided the way that new water storage shall be made available -- in soul Ray’s mind he has long planned a thing of pleasure, yet it should serve a dual purpose. Within the planning he has also planned the means to purify the water that should lie within the pool and build a structure above the same. The structure shall serve into two purposes, a shelter for the water, and a greenhouse for the plants.

So we should say unto you, gather your harvest. Prepare, therefore, to gather of the mesquite bean. Clean your crushers, that the mesquite may be crushed first, and then brought forth and placed into the grinding unit. Prepare that the sun, with the use of the nylon screening, can be used for drying decks. Sell not of your honey, except within your own organization, that it may be stored in [the] like manner. The harvest shall be good.

Prepare both axe and hoe that the ground may be tilted [tilled?].

Emergency generator systems should be brought forth. These may be obtained through your war surplus purchases.

As the land should continue to crumble in the land of California, many shall flee the land, both jobless and without food. For those who are willing to work, accept them into your fold. For those who are not, let them pass on. But do not be, and divert yourselves back, to that of an armed camp. Prepare in such a way -- your ammunition shall be sparse; therefore, we say unto you, take forth and bring forth that of the crossbow. Do so now.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, do you have any advice as to how best to deal with the acorns, for human consumption, that are in abundance now?”

The acorns should be gathered, and therefore, treated with salt, crushed -- after the treatment and the drying process is done, treated in a salt solution, crushed, and then, therefore, prepared for storage.

“Do these contain too much tanin for safe consumption?”


“Should they be leached?”

They should be leached in the salt solution, and then dried and then crushed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, [6-284-3] asks if you have suggestions regarding the fuels that we should store -- types and amounts?”

The fuel should be stored in as great a quantity of wood as possible. Gasoline shall be made available. Butane shall also be made available. But wood is your greatest asset. The storing of charcoal is also a necessity for the working of metals. There are abundance of coal deposits nearby. These should be sought out and located. There are certain plants, desert plants that should contain oil. They grow in abundance in your area. The oil should be extracted and stored. These can be made readily into fuel of many types if they are brought forth at correct Fahrenheit of the same in the leaching manner.

“Are you referring to the Jojoba?”


All that is needed is but around you.

Your efforts should be [stemmed] throughout your newsletter. But as we have said before, there will be many who shall not listen. Let those who should join together do so. Lay your days aside that storage in the right commodities can be gathered, processed, and stored, in the proper commodities.

We would suggest that you should pertain your questions tonight upon this subject.

You have other questions in your minds.

“Yes, Aka. On this subject, you came to me in a dream one night and you told me to build my tunnel at the top of the hill, the very top, and then you asked me if I understood, and then you repeated ‘the very top.’ And then I saw a flood sweeping down our canyon as high as the hill across the road. Was this a flood of people coming, and were you asking me to pick a hilltop as a safe storage place, or was it a flood of water? What was the meaning of the dream?”

The meaning of the dream was both. Upon the hill that you had taken soul Ray to, there a structure shall be constructed. It shall not come yet, but within our time. We shall provide the means when the time is right. Concentrate on the information we have given you at this time.

The flood of people shall pour forth, the flooding of the lands. But remember, in a drought water becomes sparse. But we came unto you into this manner and the fulfillment.

For as the mountain should be as soul Ray, and the knowledge therein we have implanted. His knowledge shall feed you. His knowledge and ability and powers shall protect you. His knowledge when thirsty shall moisten your lips and quench your thirst. The mountain unto which we directed you was the temple within soul Ray.

He has made of you a Shepherd, a keeper of the flock.

He had made two Shepherds. He did speak unto you both wisely, and say unto you, “Work together; make your decisions together. Bring them forth unto me and we shall work together for the building of the temple unto God.”

Twice we have seen the Shepherds come together. Twice we have seen no seed planted. Twice we have seen no harvest.

We have told of you before of the time that the Lord, our God, did send the Seven Spirits of God to harvest a field, to plant and harvest the field, and bid them not return until they could do of such. It was within their knowledge that they would gain, that they could create a world.

We lay the world beneath your footsteps. Learn to plant and harvest the grain together.

“I think you’re unfair, Aka. Twice we have met; we worked very hard, very lovingly, and I’m unaware of any seed that we have not planted that we knew how to plant.”

Soul Ray grows weary. Awaken soul Ray from his slumber.

 We shall not return again until the garden has been weeded.  


[Editor’s note: Numbers are substituted for names, addresses and birth dates to respect privacy.

This transcript was compared to the audio recording for accuracy.]


Copyrighted © 1975 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe Arizona  85501