Lit candles in the center of a Star of David, encircled by three colors of corn flour, represent the souls of those who chose to enter into the new world during the sacred Corn Ceremony held at a church to God, Dripping Springs Road, Arizona. During the hours Aka gave, the new heaven and new earth were joined in the sacred circle into this world by the prophet, or Eagle, and Aka.

The first of four Corn Ceremonies was given August 16-17, 1987, during a "harmonic convergence" of planets. Ray Elkins, serving as prophet and Eagle, holds one of three colors of blessed corn flour, as Rose Elkins, draws three circles around a Star of David, as the ceremony begins, opening a pathway into the new world to initiate those who wish to enter. The other three Corn Ceremonies were held March 16-18 and August 26-28, 1988, and Easter weekend, March 24, 1989.

During these times, a vortex was opened into the new world which shone in purity and radiant strength, all brand new. Within the circles, while the opening between the present and new worlds was there, many said it felt it like a new heaven and new earth were brought into existence for that time into the present.

1987 Readings

January 2, January 23,
February 20, February 27
May 1, May 15, May 22
June 6, June 26
July 10, July 31
August 7, August 15
September 4, September 18, September 25
October 2
November 6
December 4

These readings are copyrighted 1987 by A. Ray Elkins, Globe, Arizona U.S.A. 85502. All rights are reserved.
U.S. Library of Congress registration A 624240.

July 31, 1987, the spiritual messengers of God spoke these words, giving an opening into the new world: Now, we shall say unto you, the earth, the new earth that the Lord has given unto you, shall open unto you. Upon August the 16th it shall be opened. It shall begin to open at sunset August the 15th. And it shall begin to close at the sunrise, August the 17th.

Go unto your place of worship. And you shall take in your hands that of the yellow corn, and that of the white corn, and since you do not have that of the black corn or blue corn you may substitute it with flour mixed with ashes. The first circle shall be in the motion of the clock; the second shall be in the opposite motion of the clock; and the third shall be in the motion of the clock once again.

Do not break the circle. You shall have an opening, therefore, into the new world.

All those things you wish to leave behind write them up on a paper, and once you are inside of the circle burn them. All those things, that you would have if you were resurrected, which you shall be when you enter [your] new world, you shall leave behind. You shall leave behind the reason for reincarnation.

Yet, it is not to say that in this next world you shall not build new karma. But it is the Lord's way of making you right before the coming of what you would call, the Messiah. Some would call him Quetzalcoatl; others would call him [Wicca]; others would call him Jesus; the name meaning [ ], only to yourselves. But if you wish the pathway to your Father's mansions, a doorway has been set.

You shall cleanse your body and make it ready the night before. You shall wash your body, and you shall wash your hair. This shall be done on the 14th. You must stay in your houses on this night. Therefore, prepare the food necessary that you do not have to leave your houses, making yourselves ready that you may enter with a new mind and a new body, and coming before God with a clean soul.

The words we speak shall be hard at first for you to understand fully. We have said before, we have but one purpose, and that is for the coming and the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We come but [for that]....

You have many questions, ask.

"Thank you, Aka. We have a group question. How many times and in how many places will this vortex open and for how long a period? Thank you, Aka."

We have answered the last. The vortex will be open from the night of the 15th [until] the morning of the 17th. We say unto you, for the fourth year − into the fourth year, four times a year, in the cycling of your moon, the vortex will open and close. You should make time and space, that those who wish to cleanse themselves and enter into the world, that they may come from many places to pass through this. There is another vortex in Egypt, in that that you know as the pyramid of Giza, into the new chamber; yet, it shall not be used. There is another into the tree of Quetzalcoatl. Many shall gather, but few will enter or know the way to enter.

You must realize in the beginning this was given into five places. And into all of those there was the time to be built and a place to be set aside, where your atmospheric conditions would be right with the calendar and be right with the barometric conditions of your Earth. Due to the fact that in the years prior to this, in the many years, one by one they have felled aside, and they forgot the way − and they did not prepare their people with the opening of the head − all but one has been [set] and not made ready.

Now you have one. Open your door − for those who knock may enter.

There are certain things that may be done in other places. We shall not mention of them, for they must be done of their own free choice.

But we say unto you unto these words, soul Ray's mind knows how to open a vortex, if the atmospheric conditions are right and if it comes in the right moon cycle.

Do you understand of which we speak?

"Yes, Aka."

You have questions, ask.

"Thank you Aka.____ ________ asks, 'At what age is a person responsible for their actions toward the vortex or are they aware at every age?'"

A person does not enter into puberty, from childhood into adulthood, until the 13th year. All who have passed the 13th year is responsible for their own acts. No one may be forced through the doorway; they must pass, and only way they can pass is with an open mind and an open desire to pass through. Otherwise, even though they walk through the door they shall be denied entry.

You have other questions, ask.

"Thank you Aka. R_____ H______ asks, 'How......many times…[the opening] for the Hopi, the...and the Hohokom people? Thank you, Aka.'" [Editor's note: the question on the tape could not be heard well enough to transcribe it.]

Within a short time period, should your study groups continue, these things shall be provided that you need. Seek and you shall find. Look and you shall see.

It is like the word you use so often, yet know not the meaning of, the word, love. Love is all around you every day. So is knowledge. And the knowledge you seek is all around you, so close to you as your breath. The knowledge you seek you see, all the time.

You have other questions, ask.

"Thank you, Aka. A group question − is there any limit to what we may leave in this Fifth World?"

No, there is no limit. Yet we say unto you, do not throw away the better parts of yourself in believing. Take with you even the part of you that some, or even yourselves, may not think the righteous.

And we shall explain to you in this manner. When a man walks up to a river, and he sees the river, and he says to himself, "I shall build a boat and cross this river" − and when he builds the boat and he crosses the river, and he sees people who want to go back, and he starts a business going back and forth across river − and he realizes that there are more people than one boat can carry, and so he builds a second boat, and a third, and fourth, this is not greed. It comes from the very heart and from the spirits of God.

Look at the heavens and see the vastness of it. Look at the universe, and galaxies beyond galaxies, and tell us that that that the Lord, God, built there − He built it for the beauty of it, for the need of it, for the want of it. None of these things are sins. What one person would consider a sin would not be a sin to another. "Judge not lest ye be judged." Take through the doorway that which you desire, and the Lord shall accept you in that manner....

If you wish to enter this world, wish it in your heart. But you must make the effort to do so. Then bring [the] candle, that you may pass through, to light the way.

Now is the time of the cherubim.

And we say unto you, you have taken one more step, closer. But remember, even when you pass through, you do not pass away from the time that is also about you, and that is the time of the Anti-Christ, for all the temptations of that time shall go with you. For it will be born anew in this world, and it must be dissolved in that world.

You have asked and you have received. And so, as this has been written, it has been said and it has been done.

August 7, 1987: Some of you here do not understand that that we speak, or how we speak, or why. What we are saying to you is to be born again is to lay aside all of your transgressions. It is also to lay aside all others' transgressions.

When you go through, from one world unto another, these things must be left behind. You may pass through a world and take through that which you wish to, but the passing will have meant nothing if you take your karma with you.

There are many parables that have been told unto you by those who are much wiser than us. And they have told you, forgive; lay aside; walk away from these things. The one who we are here to prepare the way for has told you, time and time again, the same thing we are trying to say now.

There are many of you who think that the passing from one world unto another − if you wish for knowledge and you thirst for it, and you leave those things behind you, then the knowledge you thirst for shall be there.

We say unto you in this manner, and we say these words for soul Ray, for we see in him a reluctance to perform the ritual that shall be needed. And yet, there is no other to do this for you, for he must perform what is known as the birthing ritual, that you may pass through the world clean. It must be his decision, and we cannot make it for him.
[Editor's note: these words were spoken a week before the Corn Ceremony of August 16, 1987.]....

Questions you should have asked you have not asked. And we shall try and answer these. The greatest reason that we shall not give life readings until after is because there will be those who shall wish to pass forth and be [born] again. This may sound strange unto some.

This will begin the 14th, the 15th, the 16th, and end on the 17th morning at sunrise. Some of you will have thought that this is the same length of time and the same time, that your rituals were held, to be held, the time when that that was known as Jesus Christ was crucified. The time span from 1:00 to 9:00 was the time that he lived upon a cross, and therefore, shall be the full resurrection. Quetzacoatl, as you would know him, and the one known as Jesus of Nazareth are one of the same. But the Lady of Guadalupe and the Mother Mary are the same. Do you think that the right hand of God would touch one part of the continent without touching all?

Yet, as we came in five places upon your Earth, and so, because of the great pressures applied to the instruments that were chosen, because of the hardships that were placed upon them, they fell away. Some, because of the powers given unto them, tried to use them to become gods into themselves. This is why, at the present time, you have one place of entry.

For it is our hope that in the four years that is to come, and on upon the moon cycles, that soul Ray will have found those that he can train to allow those to pass through, in making [the] pass through, or pass over, as you would call it, or resurrection, as we would call it. But there are those that could be trained. He will know these when he sees them.

And hopefully, other places will be made ready.

But from where he stands, he knows how to open the portal any place on the Earth that he wishes. But at the present time, the easiest place and the place that we have made ready is what you would call your chapel at Dripping Springs, because both the healing springs and the chapel exist and [has] made ready for this time.

Before this time, on what you call the back side of the dam, of the healing springs, should be cleaned out, that the water shall be allowed to cleanse itself and be ready. For there will be those who will choose baptism at that time.

We say unto you, you had a pure harvest. Bring that of the purest and best of your, what you would call your prickly pear juice, and it shall be made into wine that day. But bring it....

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

August 15, 1987, the spiritual messengers of God spoke the day before the Corn Ceremony was given at a church to God, the opening into the next world, a new heaven and new earth.

Yes, we see thy need. We should say in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, for now shall be the time of the transference, or transformation. For as it has been written by Daniel and by John that the time would come when the new world would begin, and the new world shall be the time after the half times − and so it is.
[See The Revelation, chapters 21-22.] And we say unto you, hark, for those who have eyes to hear [see], hear and for those who have ears. We say unto you, fear not. But as you should walk through the doorway, make certain that you prepare yourself.

We have told you before of a time that the body should be cleansed. And now we shall tell you of the second part, and that is a time of the cleansing of the soul. For as you begin to go through the doorway you will be asked, "Is your soul ready? Are you prepared?"

If you are not prepared, say, "No, my soul and spirit is not ready." If you need help all you must do is ask for it. "Ask and you shall receive."

But remember, for those who walk through the door, the mark of the Beast shall never be put upon them, or can be put upon them.
[See The Revelation 20:4-6.]

The day of transformation is before you. It will open, and can be opened from 1:00 o’clock, p.m., tomorrow until 9:00 o’clock, p.m. But all things must be ready and prepared. It has been a long time, 3,000 years since this has happened....

You have other questions, ask.

"One question in general, Aka, 'The Hopi believe that we are coming [into] the fifth world; the sacred calendar says it’s the sixth world. Can you please verify?'"

We shall answer in this manner. In the interpretation [of] one language into another, and back into English again, should be difficult for all. It is of the same.

But let me ask you a question, from all of you into your hearts. If you were in the desert and the Lord provided water and food, and you knew it came from the Lord, would you ask Him from which world? Or would you take it? In the same desert, if the Lord provided you a good river with abundance of water, would you not plant the land and make it fruitful? Would you wonder which world it came from?

These two that you call, from the Mayan to the Hopi, are not the same, yet they are. For they come from what you would know as the sons of God. But greater than this, as you would know of the time of Moses and the time when the Lord, thy God, gave forth His [ten] commandments, and gave them unto the people, they all came, and all were of one. You have studied your migrations. Know this, that the Lord put seed upon all land. The knowledge and the greater plan of the Lord is but one.

Your religions, as you would know them, are like the bouquet that your bring before the Lord; it is all beautiful. This, and what the Lord gives back, is beautiful. Accept it, that you shall learn more of it and the truth of the answers as you proceed to your next step.

You have entered the valley. All the things that were provided for this valley were provided long ago. A time and a place were set aside long ago. The pathway that was guided into this valley, and even its name was given for a reason.
[Note: Christmas Star route.] For much as the name of Bethlehem would be from one place, so would this be from another. Tomorrow the vortex shall be opened, and the sphere shall be opened. Respect it, with all that you have, and it shall respect you.

You have other questions, ask.

"Thank you, Aka; at this time I have no more questions."

Then we shall answer that which lies [up most] in your minds. You will find this land has been prepared quietly. Those among you who shall receive the blessing, you will know of it, and know the truth of it, in your own hearts.

September 18, 1987: "Thank you, Aka. 'Dear Aka...I read that the Seal of Solomon was a five-pointed star, and I have heard that it was a six-pointed star. Can you please tell me which is correct? Thank you, [G_____ B_____].'"

We say unto you, the Star of David is the Star of Solomon, and is the star given forth by the Lord, thy God, for His people. As we have given it forth unto the Corn People, so it should be the sign. But in the center of the star place there a symbol of the three corns - on the outside of the star, the three circles of corn, a completeness. Allow room for the cortex [vortex], the center.

Yes, we see thy need, and we say unto you, we shall place in soul Ray's mind the symbol of life....

You have other questions, ask.

"Thank you, Aka. [S____ L_______....Houston, Texas] asks if you can give her a message pertaining to her destiny?"

The word, destiny, is a permanent word, which covers a great deal of space. Rather than destiny, we would say, your choice. Your choice shall be that now you have entered and become one of the People, so you shall spread the seed of the Corn. There shall be others who shall wish to enter, but they must hear from yourself and others a truth. Your own destiny is so intertwined that it must be the destiny of all people. For the good shall be of the one and of the many − yet, the one shall be of the many.

September 25, 1987, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, said: We have told you a parable, a parable of time, of faith. Ask yourselves, do you have so much time to waste that you can continue to fight over your religions? Now is the time of the cherubim. The half-times are no more. The Lord has made ready to collect His debt.

Here is the complete list of readings in 1987:

January 2, 23
February 20, 27
May 1, 15, 22
June 6, 26
July 10, 31
August 7, 15
September 18, 25
October 2
November 6
December 4

February 27, 1987, the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke in a parable: Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee unto this manner.

For upon the land there became a great famine, and great storms were cast upon the land.

And many rose and said, "The Lord is angry with us. What have we done? And what can we do, that the Lord should take this plight from us?"

And so, each person looked unto his neighbor. And if the neighbor was slightly different than themselves, they blamed their neighbor. And they began to cast their neighbors out. And soon they were looking at one another, because the storms continued.

One among them knew that that that was wrong was that that they were doing. And he went unto their temple and he prayed unto the Lord and said, "Lord, if I have wronged Thee, then punish me, but do not punish the others."


So he went back unto the people and he said, "Behold. Change your ways. Be different. Bring back your neighbor that you have cast aside and ask his forgiveness."

At first, they became angry at him and [were] going to cast him aside.

And the storms had continued. And they thought to themselves, "If we bring our neighbor[s] back and ask for their forgiveness, maybe the storms will end."

By this time, springtime had come. They went to their neighbors, asked their forgiveness, and spring came. And they thought, "Behold; look, the Lord has rewarded us." And they had a great festival, and shouted with great joy.

And the man went back to the temple and said, "Oh, Lord, I see the folly that You speak of."


And so, this one went back unto them and said, "Behold, the Lord shall send unto you His first begotten. What shall you do with this?"

When the first begotten Son arrived, he said, "I tell you this parable. For the Lord of the land left the land in the care of a caretaker. And the caretakers began to − were supposed to send the Lord of the lands the rent. But soon, they began to look at the land as though it was their own, and they did not send rent. Then one day, the Lord sent forth, of the lands, sent His first begotten son, and they killed him. Yet, the Lord forgave them, if they could forgive themselves."
[See Mark 12:1-12.]

We say unto you, we have brought you a parable, a parable that says to you − what the Lord has asked of you is your own tithing, whether you tithe from your purse, or tithe from your soul, or tithe from the spirit, and meaning that you tithe from all. If at the end of each day you thank the Lord for that which has been given to you then it shall be given back unto you tenfold the next day. And so it shall multiply and become whole for you.

There are many who shall say unto you that the words we have spoken could not be true. But we say unto you, behold, and you shall see all words that we have spoken come to pass.
BYou have many questions, ask....
"[Please] give more help on how to store for emergency supplies and where, and to give us a time element for how much. Thank you."

We see thy need. Each household should have that that would last them for one year − each household. Take that step first and the rest shall follow suit.

But each household must do their own part. If you do this, and each time you go to the store, grocery store, if you buy a few extra cans and put them away. The next time you go to the store buy a few more. But use those that you have put away and place the new ones in their place, adding to them. Soon you will have a good supply. Allow yourself to put blankets, sewing material, including cloth. To store clothes would be rather foolish, but cloth may be stored and stored safely. Store tools that allows you to make different things including carpentry. Store books of knowledge. By doing these things in this manner, in each household, it shall allow you to repair and rebuild where you are.

But at the same time store seeds, both the seed of knowledge and the seed of food − for the mind, food for the body − all parts must be served.