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Well kids the ride was short and bitter
I have learned a lesson or two,I learned that
very few can be trusted I learned that to love is
to lose and to be surrounded by "friends" is to be
surrounded by none. I learned that those we call our loved ones
would rather stab you in the back as much
as look at you I am happy this band died If it had not I would
have killed it myself
To those who are still breathing
Mike, Dan, Lendol, Steve, and Kristin
My hate for you all burns like wildfire
I will never again lay my guard down
I hope the five of you enjoy your new band
playing your shit music on my equipment
I hope you all burn in hell

Remember All Is Lost, I Hold The Hate Close
Yours Truly In Anger And Hatred
Cut Throat Stella

dont listen to this shitty music, I'd rather hear a fart on a snare drum