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Georgi ! Who, What is he!?

Well, your probably asking........"What/Who the heck is Georgi anyway!?"

Maybe I can help, after all, I am he!

Let's see...........

Well!?, have a seat; get nice and comfy and I'll take you on a Georgi ride.

I started out looking on the internet, I guess, years ago as basically a
surfer, online long enough to see what was out there then dash off to work,
play what have you..... I would gather what information I found usefull to me
and then maybe go buy something locally based on reviews or opinions of

I had been an AOL customer and grew tired of the double monthly bills coming
in and decided the internet just wasn't what I needed or wanted to pay for
twice, so Offline I go, until some time later my good friend was telling me
of all the new found information and places you could go, chat to folks on
topics you wanted to be involved in or even while online talk to your friends
if they too were online. What a concept! So, Online I go.

My buddy, had an alias ( bodie ) and in my thinking, since there are sooooo
many similar named folks in the world as me, I'd make up a name too!
I guess first impression, the name Georgi held as unique, flavoured and male
impression to me. It reminded me of my past as a child growing up and
traveling with my family to Georgi(an) Bay and area. It sort of follows me!

In the past few years, my employer's doggy ( German shepherd) is named
Georgi(na) and my cousin who used to be the honcho of Toronto's Coca-Cola
industry moved into higher command and to Georgi(a) AND!, my canoe history
in basically the Georgi(an) Bay and area!

What a bunch of coincidences?!... Right?!

So that gets me to the point of Georgi, but....., what about the ' ! '. That
is the other part, the ' ! ' must stand for something?


Need a break?, time to replenish the drink you just had?; maybe even a potty
break? It' s okay, go ahead; I'll

Okay!, on to business.....

The ' ! ' in "Georgi !" is more the 100% of Georgi, the ATTITUDE.
Sure I get down and out sometimes maybe even a little frustrated but when I
come to enjoy my online time and my outdoor living, I AM.....Georgi!

Just like a stress toy or workout at the gym, I look to the serenity of going
out for a paddle, a full smile on my face, and even a paddle in reverie while
online through other folks posts I read. Which is basically ALL of them on my
favourite sites!

So as best described Georgi...' ! '., it is the suspenseful emoticon
.....happy, eager, listening, and patiently awaiting the next time to get out
and go canoeing. Of course, sometimes in my happiness, there is the moments
when I'm looking and smiling and everthing said just sort of flies right over
my head ! Don't know why that happens, it just does sometimes...

Okay Georgi the name and ' ! ' the attitude, What else?!?
As you guessed there has to be more, and there is.

Now one thing leads you to believe that "Georgi !" is Italian and that's a
pretty good gestimate. Although, I am not Italian , my closest friends are
and growing up as a kid with such great food nearby........MMMMMM
"Salute!". You can't get food like that in a microwaveable dish!
As well I have acquired the taste for Grappa ( moonshine) and have the
official ( made by an Italian) grape crushing shoes! My Italian ( Un Poco) is
a little off and I have been known to be able to beat a few of them at their
own card games ( Bestia?) and enjoy in the festive moments!

To Today eh! Whoopee! and to Tomorrow! ( oops! too much !)


Nope not yet! I have only a little more...... please at least finish if you went this far?

Well you must be reading, because I'm still typing and its looking like the
cursor is about to move......okay enough , I'll continue...

So now we're to the point of "Georgi !" the fun loving , suspenseful, guy
who's smiling and enjoying what he does! Honorary Italian in spirit and
definitely Italian in girth! ;-) Has a few common coincidences and Boom Bada
Bing!, Georgi !

I guess the last part of the equation is the Georgi ! spirit. It is the
moment when you smile, when you laugh, and when you share in the spirit
of being like what you read of me. You don't have to be of the same sex, nor
do you have to enjoy the outdoors to the point I do ( Okay , so I like winter
camping!) but you must enjoy the spirit of company and friendships.

It is why you have read this far!, Why else?! You have come to this place at
this time to sit down a listen to me chat in text about Georgi ! , and little
did you know, that its that spirit that makes me what I am........ Spirit.

Georgi !

Now onto Team Georgi!?........If so'll have to wait to see somthing on that , but your more than welcome to be a part of the Team!

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