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Probably Jimmy's most famous race ever was the one Indy race (1955) in which he was supposed to driver the Sumar Streamliner. A Kurtis-Offy 500D with body panels making it look like a Le Mans style sportscar. Poor Jimmy felt so claustrofibic within the bubble covered cockpit and so insecuer that he couldn't see the steering wheels move that he discarded all the streamlining equipment and ran the car as it was. Not the neatest lookings of cars anymore but he qualified and raced it.
That Sumar streamliner could be added to the list in a thread off weirdest crs ever, in both 'dressed up' and `naked`shape.

The "Sumar Special" streamliner, actually a Kurtis-Kraft chassis ('385-55') with a Meyer-Drake Offy 270 ('175'). Jimmy Daywalt drove the car (#48) without the streamlining at Indy in 1955, finishing 9th. Teague practiced in it (#47) the following year, but did not qualify. Feb. 10, 1959, Marshall Teague sets an unofficial closed course speed record of 171.821 mph Two days after his record run, Teague crashed fatally, trying to go faster still.

Graham Clayton from the Nostalgia Forum at  "One of the more unusual strange looking cars was the Sumar Special driven by Jimmy Daywalt in the 1955 Indy 500.  The car had a full streamlined sports-car type body. 
Apparently Daywalt found it disconcerting not being able to see the front wheels, so the streamlined side cowling was removed from both sides of the car.  The car then attempted to qualify with all of the parts that would have been hidden under the bodywork totally visible, which gave it a very rough and unfinished look."

"The first time out for a practice run Daywalt had the bubble canopy over his head, but it was off Monday when the local driver reeled off a 131-plus practice try. It was explained that the friction on the plastic bubble was causing dust particles to smear and hamper his vision. Daywalt said he also experienced some trouble with the leather padding flapping around in the cockpit. As for the fenders, the biggest problem is how to check the wear and tear of the tires during the race. They say the rubber will be checked by touch rather than the naked eye and this is one big reason why Daywalt will probably spend a lot of time out on the track during the practice period."

"Reports from 'Gasoline Alley' are that the new Sumar car is a 'flop,' but Daywalt still thinks the car can go, if the mechanics can get the 'font-end condition' that has given him so much trouble on the turns straighten out. The car Daywalt is to pilot has attracted a great deal of attention with its fenders and bubble canopy. The latter part of the car, probably won't be around Saturday, but the fenders will be there. There was some doubt as to whether he'd be able to get the 'feel' of the car with the wheels covered, but if he qualifies come race time they'll open little windows to expose each tire."

"Daywalt was experiencing troubles with his new Sumar special over the weekend and did not attempt a qualification run. He told a Plain Dealer reporter he was having difficulties with the car in the 'turns.' It was pointed out by Daywalt that it was strictly a 'wind' condition and it was holding him back from getting ay speed out of the 'streamlined' auto. The Sumar car may take on a 'new look' by the time fans arrive back at the track for next Saturday's time trials, Daywalt, mechanics, and owner Chapman Root had a two-hour long conversation at the track Sunday with a technical from Allison Aircraft company and the latter advised some changes in the body design. Daywalt said he was 'encouraged' after talking to the aircraft specialist."

"Most observers and Daywalt himself were of the opinion that the body design of the Kurtis-Kraft car was a little too much 'streamlined.' There was plenty of power in the Meyer-Drake engine under the hood, but the wind conditions in the turns offered plenty of resistance to both the racer and the driver. An airplane designer from the Allison Aircraft company was present at the track last Sunday and Daywalt upon consulting the former was advised that some body and mechanical changes could be made to remedy the situation..... The Sumar Special looks like a fugitive from a jalopy race, but everyone agrees that looks aren't so important, but getting in the 'big' race is."

"It was the oddest looking car on the track, but the de-streamlined Sumar Special, with Wabash's Jimmy Daywalt at the wheel, pushed through a 139.416 Saturday mark to qualify for the 500-mile Memorial Day race. 'That was the hardest drive I've ever made in my life,' said the veteran of two other 500-mile races. 'If I had had to drive that hard last year, I would have made 43,' he said. A great favorite among racing fans, Daywalt wasn't happy with the Sumar's performance Saturday. 'It wasn't right today, and we know it,' he said. 'But we're in, and that's the main thing.'
"Due to aerodynamics problem, both the canopy and the fenders have been removed, leaving a car that looks as though it was started and the mechanics forgot to finish it. Regardless of how it looks, it was plenty of get up and go. Daywalt promises that by nest year it will once again be the most beautiful car on the track, and what's more, it will be the fastest. Removal of the fenders has exposed much bulky accessory gear along the sides of the car. where as this gear, such as the oil tank is covered in other cars, it is in the open on the Sumar, causing increased drag. Then too the Sumar weighs about 200 pounds more that the other cars. This drag problem almost knocked the Sumar out of this year's race. With the streamlining, air packed up inside the fenders and had no place to escape, adding several hundred pounds of drag. Along the aerodynamics line, the ultra streamlining of the body caused air rushing over the surface to act just like air over an airplane wing. The result was that at high speeds airflow tended to lift the rear of the racer right off the ground. this made it practically impossible to handle on the curves... This summer the Sumar will be put through a series of wind tunnel tests to determine the causes of the excessive lift and drag. Daywalt says all the bugs will be worked out then, and in 1956 the Sumar will be cream of the crop. 'It'll be the keenest job here,' he said."



This is how Jimmy's car appeared when it was bought to the track.  Owner Chapman Root is standing with the car.

Photo from Paul Johnson


Sumar team owner Chapman Root created quite a stir with his head-turning streamlined racer, which looked like a car of the future.

Photo from the Rick Popely's Indianapolis 500 Chronicle


Under the swoopy skin was a conventional Kurtis chassis and four-cylinder Offy.

Photo from the Rick Popely's Indianapolis 500 Chronicle


Daywalt in the pits of the 1954 '500'  He spent 54 seconds changing all his tires and getting a full load of fuel

Photo from the 1956 '500' Program



Daywalt talking to Root and Blough during practice for the '500'

Photo from the Wabash Plain Dealer



This is how Jimmy's car appeared when he qualified it with the "fenders" and canopy removed.

Photo from Paul Johnson





This is a picture of Jimmy's '55 Sumar Special on the track.


Located here




Another on track picture at the Indianapolis 500

Located at




These pictures are of the restores Sumar Special.  It is kept in a museum in Daytona, FL.



This is a picture of a custom built model of the Sumar Special.

Photo from the model when it was sold on Ebay


Located at

In 1959 USAC announced that it would run an Indy race at the new Daytona speedway. With Marshall as his test driver, Chapman Root entered the Sumar Special. The goal was to attain a speed of 180 mph.
On February 10, Marshall ran 171 mph. This was the car in which Marshall Teague crashed to his death while attempting to break the closed course speed record at Daytona in 1959. (If this is the case, it cannot have been the easiest car in the world to drive, so kudos for Jimmy Daywalt even to try.)