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Kryno's Journal


Update on Kryno:

May 24, 2004

This will be the last entry on Baby Kryno: he has earned his angel wings this morning, Monday 24 May 2004, 510 am South African time. He is now pain free and cancer free and is playing with the angels! Thank you so much for all your prayers and support over the past 2½ months, the family will always remember this. Please keep them in your prayers for this coming week and all the arrangements for Kryno’s funeral.

May 21, 2004

The pneumonia has cleared up in Kryno’s lungs. He is not doing well at all and he is deteriorating very fast. He is very, very weak, his breathing is shallow irregular and he refuses all milk. He has an IV on to supply fluids to his little body. The diameter of his belly is 61cm (24 inches)! Remember he is only 6 months old. Kryno is busy loosing his battle to cancer!

May 17, 2004

The latest update on Kryno is that he was admitted in hospital today with pneumonia. His breathing is very shallow because of all the tumors and is sleeping most of the time because of the morphine he is taking for pain control. His little abdomen is swollen to the utmost and he also has a lot of swelling around his kidney area. This family need your prayers now more than ever before.

May 11, 2004

Kryno is not doing well. His condition is deteriorating fast. The morphine seems not to still the pain long enough. His little abdomen is very swollen and you can see the tumors under his skin. He is also wining most of the time. Please pray for Kryno. Also pray for his family during this difficult time.

April 17, 2004

Do you believe in prayer? I do!!! After Kryno’s release from hospital he was in so much pain. One evening he was really “screaming” from pain and his parents prayed over him, asking God to ease their babies pain and God did! Kryno is still on pain medication, every 6 hours but the pain is under control! Honor to God. Although the Oncologist said Kryno is terminal we still ask every one to continue to pray for complete healing for Kryno. We believe that God CAN do it, please pray with us. God bless.

April 8, 2004

We do not have good news………… Kryno is terminal with cancer. The cancer has spread to his spleen, liver, several tumors in his little abdomen, between bladder and rectum. All treatment stopped, they will just do pain management with him. Please pray that he will not suffer! Also pray for his family in this very difficult time.

April 5, 2004

Today is the first day of the next session of chemotherapy for little Kryno. Please keep him and his family in your prayers!! Thank you.

March 29, 2004

Kryno is doing fine and is gaining weight. He will go for blood tests this week. He is a happy and cheerful baby and we thank our Heavenly Father for his progress so far. The next session of chemotherapy is the week of April 5, 2004. For those who prayer for Kryno and his family, we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts. May God bless you abundantly!

March 17, 2004

Kryno is back home! All went well with his chemotherapy this week. He is getting so cute now, talks with his toys and is smiling at every one! Kryno is such a joy and blessing to have!

March 17, 2004

Kryno started his 3rd session of chemo this week. He is a little restless at times, wines sometimes, all ‘normal’ symptoms during chemotherapy. When you look at this little angel he looks like any normal, healthy baby! He is always smiling at every one! One will never imagine that he is fighting the "big C" in his little body! Please pray with his parents that Kryno will be CANCER FREE the end of April with the next scan.

March 12, 2004

Kryno is back home! He is doing well, all thanks and honor to Jesus! He will start his third session of chemotherapy on Monday, March 15, 2004.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and emotional support, also for signing the guestbook. Your support and prayers mean the world to Janine and Philip, Kryno’s parents.

March 10, 2004

Kryno was moved to ICU yesterday to ensure he is in a place where there are ‘less germs’. He slept well last night. He is wining a lot, we are not sure if he is in pain or if he has cramps.

March 8, 2004

Baby Kryno was admitted in hospital this morning with infection in his lungs. He was not ‘eating’ very well the past few days (Mommy is nursing him) and also vomit a lot. Please keep on praying!

March 6, 2004

I had an e-mail from Kryno’s Mommy. He is not feeling well at all, he wines all the time. I wonder if he has pain? The Mommy is feeling down, she said nothing she does satisfies him. Please keep them all in your prayers.

March 3, 2004

Kryno started with his second session of chemotherapy on Thursday February 26. He was very irritable the first day. As from the second day you could see that he felt sick but did not vomit. The first day back at home he vomited a lot. The doctor said on Sunday that Kryno’s quality of life is currently good and we pray we can keep it this way. If he does not get any infections from now till April 26th, they will perform another RT scan to determine the size of the tumor and if the chemo helped for the tumor.

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