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Hello and welcome to our baby
Bennys page. Here you will get to
see some pictures of our Benjamin Allan !
As well as learn how I came
to have him as my very own
kitty baby !! Please NOTE that we are
just now getting these pages together ,
so do check back soon !!

How I came about my Benny Allan.
It was back in 1995 , and I and
a friend had decided to stop
Rallys' a fast food restaurant here
to get a coke. And as I pulled into
the curve for the drive-thru
a BUNCH of kitties scattered all over.
Someone had abandoned them at Rallys ! Well,
my friend jumped out and tried to catch them.
He was only able to catch one !
The kitty was a boy and he was
snow white ! It was hard to see
him as it was snowing here at that
time as it was. But , he
got rescued and I decided to keep him.
I came to naming him Benny as
the song "Benny and the Jetts"
by Elton John was on the radio
at that very moment in time !
So , he became Benjamin Allan. Allan
was from my friends middle name that
caught him !!
And he has gone by the nickname of
Benny ever since. As well as Chief
Benny Big-Butt and Baby Benny !
He is an albino cat. Meaning
he is pure white , little pink ears and
he has one green eye and
one blue eye !He is not
deaf and or blind either !
Benny is loads of fun and full
of hugs and love. He is a psychotic one
though. He is paranoid of people
and noises. And his favorite toy is
the ring of plastic from
a gallon of milk !! LoL Thank you for stopping in
and do look at the other twos pages !
And make sure to sign the Babies' book..
They love to be noticed !!

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our baby MidNightes' page !!