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Arnold on Univision Interview

Below you will find the January 2003 interview by Univision 19's Pablo Espinoza and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as they discuss the Cedillo-Schwarzenegger bill, SB-1160. The transcript follows the audio link.

Arnold on Univision Audio
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Arnold on Univision Transcript

Reporter: "Governor,"

Schwarzenegger: "Thank you"

Reporter: "Pablo Espinoza with Univision. Senator Cedillo has, uh, told us he’s about to introduce SB 1160. He said that the bill will be called Cedillo-Schwarzenegger. Does that mean that the requirements of background check, insurance, and any other thoughts that you had, have been met and this will move forward?"

Schwarzenegger: "We are right now in the middle of working very hard with Senator Cedillo. My staff, and his staff, everyone is working together. And we are absolutely positive that we will come up with a great bill. Uh, with his help, and with my team’s help, I think we will work it out. So there’s really a good move forward."

Reporter: "If I may, a follow-up? How would you deal with the more conservative Republican Members of the Legislature, such as Rico Oller, who authored the repeal of SB 60?"

Schwarzenegger: "Well again it’s one of those things where we all have to get together and see that this is a good idea and a good way to move forward. So I’m talking to my Republican…." end of audio clip.

(Audio Courtesy Mark Williams Show, Newstalk 1530-KBFK, Sacramento)

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