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Fry's Electronics, Everything you really didn't want to know!!

The Address for Fry's is as follows:
Fry's Electronics
3300 Butterfield Rd
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Store Phone number : (630)390-2103

Fry's Update July 11, 2004
Hello everyone! Hopefully This opening week has been good to you!. I am going to try and get the ads in their full glory up every day they come out. if for some reason you don't see an ad, and you can scan it, please email me at whymeintrouble!

Fry's Update July 1, 2004
Looks like Fry's is finally recognizing their Illnois store on thierStore Hours and Locationspage. I would expect to see some good sales fliers coming out shortly! Gotta love Grand Openings! Now in case you haven't seen or heard, the Chicago SunTimes has had ads for Fry's Electronics Grand Opening weekend. Below is a scan of it.

I have also got some pics of the store coming up tonight :) so be ready!

Special ALERT!!!Fry's Electronics is open from 10am to 7PM hurry up and take a look!!!!

while talking to a few sales associates at Fry's, it seems as though they will be open till the grand opening. It seems as though they are very happy with the current attention and sales numbers :) They are suppose to be open from 10am-7pm everyday, but these hours are not set in stone. I will continue to update this as I get info

Fry's UpdateMay 4, 2004
Want a job in Fry's in DG? Well they are hiring right NOW!!! they have had the sign up since tuesday. I would expect them to want to fill spots very quickly, especially if they want to open that store by end of May.

Fry's UpdateApril 30, 2004
Want a job in Fry's in DG? well here is one, be a manager of sales for Earthlink's internet services they provide under Fry's name. Check out the Fry's job Want to know more about Fry's internet services provided by Earthlink, check out Fry's ISP if you are so inclined :)

Fry's UpdateApril 30, 2004
Here are a few quicky pics of the progress on the inside of Fry's

Fry's UpdateApril 22, 2004
Good day everyone! found a nice little article over at the on our upcoming Fry's store

Fry's UpdateMarch 12, 2004
Oh yeah!!! I said I'd get some of those good "at night" shots. well here we go! here are the pics you have been looking for :) March 12, 2004 Updated Pics

Fry's UpdateMarch 7, 2004
DAMN!!! this place looks like a real store! For all those who have emailed me lately, thank you. Here is a special little gift, some pics of the inside. the glare was pretty bad, so I will hopefully update these pics tomorrow night during dark hours. March 7, 2004 Updated Pics

Fry's UpdateDec 1, 2003
Again it is the monthly update for our friends at Fry's.These pics are best viewed at 800X600. Dec. 1, 2003 Updated Pics

Fry's UpdateNovember 1, 2003
Pics from the up and coming Fry's store in DG :). These pics are best viewed at 800X600. November 1 update

Fry's UpdateSeptember 4, 2003
WE HAVE PICS!!! Thanks for everyone's patience, work has been going crazy. These pics are best viewed at 800X600. this link has 14 pics linked to them :) It will look a little better after this weekend Sept. 3, 2003 Updated Pics

Fry's UpdateSeptember 1, 2003
Good news at the Fry's location. They have about 3/4 of the sides up on the building already. if it stops drizzling for more then 10 seconds I'll have some shots up. Hopefully tomorrow it will be a nice day out :)

Fry's UpdateJuly 3, 2003
Seems like they have gotten the site up to grade. and hopefully will start bringing in some precast to start the building :) naw, I'm not rushing them ;)

Fry's UpdateJune 18, 2003
Today I have finally seen movement at our local dirt dump..errr, Fry's construction site. looks like they are starting to move dirt/rock. hopefully it means the fun will shortly begin

Fry's UpdateJune 13, 2003
Well we have some more interesting news here about Fry's. Seems they have a new General Contractor, Ledcor Construction I emailed them yesterday and received word that they have already let the Job out to bid. Hopefully this means work will be starting very shortly. More info/pics to come, hopefully

Fry's UpdateJune 5, 2003
have a Fry's update. Finally got the rest of the pics for April done.I called up the General Contractor for the Fry's job and they said they have not released it for bid as of June 1, 2003. Pretty much, this means it is gonna be tight making it for this christmas season..damn them, damn them all!! I will hopefully be able to start updating the site a little more frequently now that there is a general contractor and will let everyone know approx finish time for the building. April 19 Update

Fry's Electronics is coming to D.G.

Biggest thing around these parts now adays is the Fry's Electronics, going up on Finley Rd just south of Butterfield Rd (approximate location : I-355 and I-88). 3300 Finley is the address.The entrance to the new Fry's will be at the corner of Opus Pl and Finley Rd.
This link is for the Downers Grove city site. To find out info about Fry's deal with the city, tax breaks, etc etc. just put in "Fry's Electronics" into the search engine(button on the way right top side) and it will spit out everything they have. btw, the search engine works exceedingly well. Now for the fun stuff.
(EDIT) looks like the search capability has been eliminated for now Here is the pic of what it will look like

April 19

from these pics you can see that there isn't really anything left south of the main entrance. they seem to be ready to start digging up for drainage and sewer pipes :D
April 11 Pictures!

March 28 Fry's Update!!!

I see they are destroying most all the concrete in the main parking lot. I would say about 3/4 of the parking lot is ripped up. they have a couple huge mounds of broken up concrete on-site Pictures will be on next update!

March 19 Fry's Update!!

Good news. The main building is totally down to the foundation :-)

March 12 Fry's Update!

Some more pics, multiple views. These pics give a good indication of just how big this lot really is.
March 12 Pictures!!

March 11 Fry's Update!

Got a few more pics. Things seem to be going very well to this point. Main building should be down in a week or so :-)
March 11 Pictures!


Hi all! Was going down 355 today and guess what i saw! That is right, big machinery at the site! We will have pics from here on out of the destruction. They will be broken up into seperate pages so you don't have to worry about looking at them every single time you view the site. Hope you enjoy :-)
March 5 Pcitures!