I really need to play a show soon, I'm starting to get a little too into "screamo." I finally listened to Strike Anywhere, and now I can't stop. There's this nagging voice telling me to get the first Thursday album. I found this new band Epitaph signed called From First to Last that really r0x0rs (you should check them out here). I need some hardcore Oly punk to set me straight.
I will, however, grant Javvy the point that Rise Against is awesome, however their new CD is only the 3rd best Fat Wreck has put out this year. Number 1 is, of course, the new Anti-Flag album "The Terror State," but number 2 is the one I'm listening to now, "The Greatest Story Ever Told" by the Lawrence Arms. How about that Chicago scene, two (the Larry Arms and Rise Against) out of three ain't bad.
I'm pissed I missed the A-F/Rise Against show, I had my wisdom teeth out and I was sick. I'm still sick (both in the physical and now emotional sense) and Germ told me he met Justin Sane. Jerk.
I've been rambling on for this long to prove a point. Does anyone actually read this page or care about it? I'd like to hear your thoughts on the message board on you can e-mail the band or me. Take it easy.
What's new here? I'm sitting here listening to "Black Masks and Gasoline" by raised fist, and in a minute I"m going to go eat soup for breakfast. I'll keep this short. What asshole came up with the idea of a standardized breakfast menu composed mainly of different preparations of chicken fetus, thinly sliced strips of pig flesh, and bread and butter. This is possibly the most depressing way to start the day. Try heating up some leftovers for breakfast, it's faster and it tastes so much better, especially if it's hot enough to slowly turn your stomach lining into a nice pliable paste-like substance. Example: One night, many long time periods ago, we went out to dinner, and decided that we'd celebrate the night by flash frying our taste buds. We ordered a bowl of soup and some other dish, both with those crazy chinese chiles that make you feel like you are in your own personal hell when you bite into them. Wonderful. We probably ate about one cup of soup each before running screaming out of the restaurant clawing out our eyes and mercilessly shooting tortured looks at those passing by. Actually we paid and took our little canisters of exquisite pain home with us. I got to keep the soup, and Igot the bright idea of eating this in the morning in order to wake up my lethargic body, tired from all the crazy partying I do everynight (read: long sessions of BF1942 alone in my room with Toby). This little container of soup lasted me about a week, and it was great leaving the house in the chilly morning and scraping the ice off of the car drenched in sweat in the dead of winter. It was great. Actually, get ahold of some of those peppers, they're long, dried, and molded by satan himself out of everything evil that has existed, is existing, and will exist in the future. This is mainly because they have no taste (unless you count the liquificatio of many of your vital organs a taste). Anyway, cut some of that motherfucker up and put it in whatever you choose to befoul your stomach with in the morning. MMM, nothing like scrambled chicken fetus to set your esophagus AFLAME!
Okay so tomorrow is the first day of school, but in retrospect this summer was very productive for me. I got to do lots of interesting things, not to mention play a lot of computer games. I purchased a ps2 last year, but the only game I've finished for it is Jak & Daxter.... boy... Anyway, I feel that it is my duty to update you all on several games that you all NEED to play. Also, if videogames aren't your thing, leave right now since the rest of this page will probably bore you straight out the back of your poor deprived little skull. So right to it.
1. Call of Duty - This is the mother of all WWII shooters, it blows away Medal of Honor with a large machine specifically made for that express purpose. The demo is now available at www.fileshack.com and if you are too goddamn lazy to get an account there for FREE you're missing out. Remember,
So that's basically my current playlist right now... I need to finish FF10 and FF7 (I'm right at the end of both) and I've been dabbling in Battlefield 1942 which is also awesome. OHHH and I almost forgot. Disney just put out a new MMORPG LITE by the name of ToonTown. I was a bit dubious when I tried it, but I soon grew to love my three day trial of it. Sadly I can no longer play it because I'd just as soon attempt to pierce my eyelid with one of Eric's dirty scummy rusty safety pins then fork over $9.95 a month to Disney Interactive in order to play a dumbed down version of FF10 online with a bunch of other 17 year olds who think they're playing against 5 year old kids but are actually playing against me thinking that they are in fact the 5 year old children. so yeah.. give it a try, I miss playing it.
I think that just about wraps it up for now, play the games, and I'll cry myself to sleep knowing I have to get up at 6:00 am to go sit in class for six hours a day. Lovely. OH, actually not quite yet. MUSIC! You all need to listen to a little by each of these bands: