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archaeological sites online

Tour sites on the internet and looks at galleries of museums. Look at artifacts around the world without having to purchase a plane ticket. Learn about different projects right from home. Happy Clicking!

*Mysteries of Catalhöyük! - fun and interactive. based on the tell in Turkey. Learn the processes of digging too!
*Official Catalhöyük - the offical site of the excavations in Turkey.
*Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology - Tour online. Check out Ancient Egyptian artifacts
* - the archaeology of megalithic Europe. Photos of hundreds of archaeological sites (esp Ireland).
*Margaret Gowen & Co. Archaeological Consultants - this private company explains their methods and shows sites and projects that they are working on. (based in Ireland).
*Plymouth Archaeology Rediscovery Project - all about the preservation of various colonial settlements in New England, focusing on Plymouth, MA. (Colonial period 1620-1692)
*National Park Service: Links to the past - museum management program and collection of Treasures of the Nation, as well as other featured online exhibits.
*Teotihuacan: The City of the Gods - city in Mexico. learn all about the site.
* University of Pennsylvania Museum Collection - look at galleries online.
*The British Museum - the museum has an extensive archaeological collection from around the world.
*The Metropolitan Museum of Art - great collections of artifacts.

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