An Over-The-Counter treatment called "Bovine Extract Dietary Supplement"
Genevieve Vanasco

How To Order Bovine Extract - Temporary Out Of Stock
How To Use Bovine Extract
How Bovine Extract Is Made
How Bovine Extract Works
What Is The Standard Dose - Is It Safe To Use More
Individual Testimonials
Product Information PDF document

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Technical Information PDF document

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Special Thanks

I would like to thank all the following individuals for their help and caring support the last few years. There have been so many but I have only listed a few. Without their support and giving nature, I could not of accomplished any of this. I have meet so many caring individuals in the Behcet's community. I would especially like to thank Dr. Cummins and Dot Tutt for not giving up on me.  I would also like to dedicate this site to my father, Frank Vanasco.  This site is for him and ALL the others like him that dealt with the complexity of living with a rare disease.
  • Frank Vanasco
  • Dot Tutt & Family
  • Dr. Joe Cummins
  • Tal Kinnersly
  • Joanne Zeis
  • Terry Gibson
  • All the Chat Room Angels
  • Laurie Lambertson
  • Bettina Bailey
  • Cathy Fornabaio
  • Jessica Badillo
  • My family, especially Mom
  • All my BD friends


First let me say that I am not a doctor or in the medical profession.  I am also not being paid to promote this treatment.  I am offering this information in the hope that others suffering from any immune disease or disorder may benefit from trying an over-the-counter supplement called Bovine Dietary Extract Supplement. Several of us have nicknamed this supplement "Cow Power"  because of its impact on our health.

I suffer from Behcet's Disease and it has devastated my life for years.  I have tried all types of treatments in an attempt to improve the quality of my life.  Because I am so medication sensitive, they finally surgically implanted a morphine pump into me and sent me home to live or die in my own way.  The problem is they found they could only use pure Morphine in my implanted pump.  So far, I react to any other pain drug placed in this pump except for the pure morphine.  I guess no one figured I would live this long.  I have had this pump 7 years now and I have built up a tolerance to the morphine.  Other drugs or treatments make me worse and seem to actually cause some of the Behcet's symptoms.  In my case, a drug may help one problem but cause multiple drug reactions which requires other drugs and more reactions.  It has been a vicious circle.  .  

Outside of some good benefits from the non-FDA approved Low Dose Oral Interferon Alpha Lozenges (IFNa) that requires a prescription and a Compassionate Personal Use Exemption to import, the Cow Power is the only treatment that has successfully and consistently improved the quality of my life.  For those interested in my experience and how this supplement has helped me, I include several testimonials.  I plan on adding more testimonials as others try this new supplement and find it alleviates symptoms, reduces pain, or improves their overall health.  Personally, I have faith in this supplement's ability to improve the lives of anyone using it daily.  I have tired hundreds of supplements and even other medications and treatments; not one of these has improve my life like the Bovine Extract has.  I would not put myself out here like this if I did not believe it would help others.  I have seen so many suffer from either living with Behcet's Disease and/or some other chronic disorder.  Young adults and children especially seem to benefit from the Bovine or IFNa if taken before standard drugs are used to control their disorder.  I have this dream that others may have the oppertunity to try this supplement.  I am sure most would find this supplement as successful as I have in controlling their disease and improving their quality of life.  I am not claiming it is a cure but the Bovine Extract sure has improved my qualify of life.

How Bovine Extract Is Made

I am going to explain what I know about Bovine Extract.  Keep in mind that this is my impression of what the Cow Power is and how it is made.  First, no cows are hurt.  Young calves are used to produce this supplement. The calves have to be in perfect health and purchased before they are inoculated with a common "vaccine virus" that all cows get.  These calves are inoculated with this vaccine virus to enhance an immune response.  After inoculation, essential immune elements are extracted from their immune system secretions (it does not hurt them - it is absorbed).  These immune elements are then processed and purified.  This mixture is placed in sterile oral dispensers.  It is properly stored until it is shipped.  When the extract arrives, I place the Bovine Extract in my cooler when it arrives but it is not required.  I have also taken the time to place the Extact in individual dispensers in my predefined dose and freeze the dispensers until needed for future individual use.  I find this useful for long term storage, travel, etc but that is a personal preference.

How Bovine Extract Works

If you ask how the Bovine Extract works, officially you will hear, "The FDA has reviewed the Notification of Statements of Nutraceutical Support", that Bovine Extract Dietary Supplement promotes health and enhances immunity."  Personally, I know it modulates my immune system while enhancing my entire health and system.  It seems to have a powerful affect on balancing my system and even stopping an all out Behcet's flare.

I tried another treatment by the same developer and although it did help me quite a bit, I did not do as well on it as I did on the Bovine Extract.  This treatment was called Low Dose Oral Interferon Lozenges. From what I understand, the following is the reason I respond so well to the Bovine Extract.  The Bovine Extract is different than the highly purified human interferon because the Bovine Extract contains lactoferrin, lysozyme, secretory leukoprotease inhibitor, mucoglycoproteins, albumin and numerous cytokines.  I believe this "immune soup" apparently modulates my immune system better and is simply more active than a single ingredient.  The Bovine Extract has personally improved my life without any awful side affects.  I list a few of my health improvements below.  For a detailed story, download the testimonials.

How To use Bovine Extract

Each morning I thaw one dispenser.  I take a frozen dispenser and roll it between my palms until thawed and then squirt it in my mouth.  This only takes a few minutes.  I try to cover all the tissue in my mouth that I can.  It is absorbed almost immediately.  It has a high saline taste which some find unpleasant.  I don't mind the taste considering what I gain from using it.  If anyone finds they do not like the taste or can not tolerate it, I recommend an over-the-counter product called, "Dry Mouth Relief".  (Dry Mouth Relief can be purchased at some major pharmacy chains like Walgreens and it can be ordered from the same place you order the Bovine Extract from.)  Dry Mouth Relief helps promote oral comfort and saliva and its slightly sweet taste can help mask the saline taste.  These products can be used together.  I do not eat or drink anything 5 minutes before of after my daily dose of Bovine Extract.

How To Order Bovine Extract

The Bovine Extract can be purchased as of October 2002.  Yes, that is right, no doctor required or prescription needed to purchase the Bovine Extract.   There are several ways to order Bovine Extract. You can either get a 10 day supply or a 30 day supply.  We expect the cost will come down as sales and production volumes rise in the future.  Remember to freeze the Bovine after it arrives.

10 Day Supply:  If you are interested in trying 10 doses, then the cost would be $3.00 x 10 = $30.00 plus shipping cost.  Please include your name, shipping address and make the check payable to D-J Nutraceuticals.

30 Day Supply:  Includes 30 individual oral dispensers.  Each treatment cost $3.00 x 30 = $90.00 plus shipping cost. Please include your name, shipping address and make the check payable to D-J Nutraceuticals.

Shipping Cost:  Add $4.30 for US Priority Mail.  If shipping FedEx Overnight within the US, add $22.50. If shipping outside the US, please contact Dr. Joe Cummins at (806) 376-1741 ext. 13, or email for more information. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Joe Cummins.

Joseph M. Cummins, DVM, PhD

President & Chief Executive Officer

D-J Nutraceuticals , Inc.

4134 Business Park Drive

Amarillo, TX 79110

What Is The Standard Dose - Is It Safe To Use More

I have had people ask if one dispenser a day is the standard dose or if more is safe.  In my opinion, the answer to both of these questions is "Yes".  One oral dispenser of .5ml a day is the standard dose for most BDers. It is also safe to use more if you feel you need it.  I have tested this supplement several times over the last two years.  I was a great Guinea pig. I know several BDers that use 2 oral dispensers of .5ml daily and are happy with the relief from oral ulcers. I fill the oral dispenser so that the black plunger lines up with the .5ml.

I have never been afraid of the Bovine Extract.  I have even used it on leg ulcers and genital, nasal sores and even in my eyes.  There was a time when I took 3 dispensers a day for several months without any adverse affect.  There was another incident where I had a medical procedure which caused a serious reaction.  For a week, I actually took 5 dispensers a day. It not only helped but also pulled me out of a nightmarish situation.  I actually believe it saved my life.  The point being, it is safe and more can be used if you feel your body or situation requires it.  Basically, I believe if you can afford to take more, you should if you get into a dangerous flare.  I have never heard of any reaction or interaction to the Bovine Extract and other prescriptions or supplements.


If you are interested in testimonials, either select each link or right-click to download. The topics discussed in each testimonial are either about the IFNa or the Bovine Dietary Supplement. Several testimonials may make reference to both treatments.  If you right-click, use the "save target as" option.

W. Carney LVN - Jan, 2003 Bovine - Text Document

W. Carney LVN - Jan, 2003 Bovine and IFNa - Text Document

Charlene Long - Jan, 2003 IFNa - Text Document

Bryon Neil Brown - Dec, 2002 Bovine - Text Document

D.Tutt - Nov, 2000 Bovine - Text Document

Crystal Clayton - Nov 31, 2002 - Bovine and IFNa Text Document

Cathie Harrison - Oct 21, 2002 - IFNa Text Document  

G. Vanasco - Aug 1, 2000 - Used IFNa with Saline on a leg ulcer - Text Document   NOTE:  For those that get ulcers on their legs, and if you have IFNa lozenges, you might want to try this treatment when all else fails. It helped heal my leg ulcers when other ointments did not help.  My doctors were going to send me to a wound care clinic but this unusual mixture helped me.

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