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Hi, I'm biff. Welcome to my TMBG website.

I made this site because I wanted to make a midi jukebox. I have about 90 TMBG midis that I found all over the net, and I had never seen a TMBG midi jukebox anywhere. I hope you like it. I have some pix I took at a live show too. They are pretty good, if I do say so myself. I also have a TMBG message board, and some interesting links. Feel free to steal any images you want. Please upload them to your own server though, because Angelfire doesn't allow hotlinking, so you'll be stuck with an X if you link directly.

I've never made a website before, this is my very first one. I hope you don't think it sucks.
I'll probably add more stuff later, when I think of it. If you have a minute, please sign my guestbook,
to tell me how much you love They Might Be Giants, or just to say hi.
(and if you visit my board, you will be warmly welcomed)

NEW! State Songs & Mono Puff midi jukeboxes.

NEW! Howlee's Riverfest pix.


TMBG midi jukebox

State Songs jukebox

Mono Puff jukebox

My live TMBG pix

Howlee's live TMBG pix

TMBG message board

Interesting links

about me

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