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Living at Cal

Well, we've finally made it to the University of California, in Berkeley. This place is amazing, all the people, the shops, the dingy urban glow that makes everything seem so much more real than the adobe colored, red-tiled roofed surroundings of Orange County.

My 22nd Birthday

My 22nd Birthday

Some good birthday (and the day before) shots! Hooray for birthdays, cake and wonderfulness!

My 22nd Birthday

Our Home

Click the above link to see pictures of our home in University Villiage, Albany.

May 15th Student Parent Picnic

We had planned to do the 8am 7.5 mile Bay to Breakers run in San Francisco, but even though we got there an HOUR early, we couldn't find parking ANYWHERE, so eventually we cut out and headed to the SPA picnic...with the painted belly.

My 22nd Birthday

My 22nd Birthday

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