Welcome to the Burton Hall Website.
Photo-"Storm Spirits" live halloween 1997.
To e-mail me..go to the asylum or just type in:

...updared 12/22/04................happy holidays everyone!!............

"My Life On The Wagon" a.k.a. "The Placebo Express"
a short essay by Knowles Pepper.


"it doesn't make any sense,
i mean,if you really sit down and think about it,
it doesn't make any sense at all.
Have you ever stared at death?
eye to eye?
if so,what was it like for you?
please let me know,
i seem to be the only dead one here,
and i want to know what it was like when i died."

below are some links that i found to be fun...please enjoy. I'll have more soon.

me and my friends

ZingenRadioLab #1 (an hour at the asylum)
Rob's Website
a group of friends
pictures of us and our cats
(currently under construction)

Charlie Quatro's Guitars

People Who Think They know me , But Are Too Perplexed To Acknowledge It.
even sometimes when i think i know , i don't.

The Manitou's Lair
Rupert Chappelle
Lemon James
Music Of Cyberspace
Music of Carla Thomas
Immersion Composition Society
Switchblade Symphony
Poison Plant music
Bluessinger's Santuary
The Larz From Mars Show
Strange Boutique
the wrath of charlie
Happy The Man

The Circumstances Of Reason Beyond Belief Of Questionable Matters
that do not understand anything that i think that i might possibly know
but then again......

Holst-the planets--midi
Ragtime Music-midi
Rooms With Brittle Views
The Big Broadcast (wamu-webradio)
Electronic Music
Classical music midi archives
Kinesis progressive rock CD store
negative charge
Bob Rivers' Twisted Tunes
washington city paper music classifieds
Marc Bolan
David Sylvian links
beetle bailey
the doors of perception