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Freedom's cry

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A call to hope Vol.1

The american heritage defenition of freedom in the 2000 4th edition:

    free-dom (fre'dem)
  1. The condition of being free from restraints
  2. Liberty of the person from slavery, detention or oppression
  3. The capacity to exercise choice; free will
  4. a. The right of unrestricted use; full access b. The right of enjoying all the privleges of citizenship or membership

The american heritage defenition of cry in the 2000 fourth edition:

    cry (kri)
  1. To call loudly; shout
  2. To utter loudly; call out
  3. To proclaim or annouce in public
  4. An advertising of wares by calling out
  5. A rallying call or signal

    Freedom's cry- A rallying call of freedom, to be heard by all so they too, may gain membership to heaven, to a Father who accepts all, rejects none, and has an unconditional love.

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