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updates friday, december 3Hey folks! I've been working on my fics for quite some time now, so I've got some stuff to put up later. However, I'm at my mum's office, so I can't load anything at the moment. I shall content myself with finding all sorts of random things to do, like add more links to awesome websites I've discovered. Ary-chan later on friday Oooh, shiny new layout! Whatcha think? It took me forever to edit, lemme tell you, but I'm way liking the results! I'm planning on a layout graveyard (idea stolen from, heh) with screenshots from the old ones. I rather like the idea! ^^ Well, I'd best get busy with changing all the pages to match this one! Aryante friday, august 20 Mou, it's been forever! I've been off in Central Oregon since July 5, working at a camp. I didn't have Internet access the entire time I was there, so I couldn't update. Sorry! Well, I have been working on some of the fics, including Afternoon is Ours, Don't Stand so Close to Me, Watching You, A Tear in Hell, You Wouldn't Understand, Cheers Darlin', and Morning After. Yep, I've been a damn busy bee for the past two months! ^^ Also, I've been thinking about a new layout. The one I have now is ok, but it's just a little drab. As proud as I am of the logo thing, it just doesn't seem to hint at what the main idea of the site is. I've also decided to make this site IY fiction ONLY, since I never really write anything else. But yeah, Inuyasha-themed layout coming up soon! Ary thursday, june 24 So...I finished the first chappie of Afternoon is Ours. I'm posting it now and moving the title from in production to WIP! Hurrah. 'yante tuesday, june 22 Found my notebook, wahoo! It was in my backpack all along; I'm just really, really unobservant and therefore didn't find it. So...em...AiO is back to its original release date (nevermind that I never actually got around to changing it in the first place). Ary Wow, long time no dig! Sorry, folks, but graduation and school trips and friend-like trips and family-like trips called. >.< And why do I always update on a Sunday? I don't get it. Anyway, I got set back on a few of my projects since I left my notebook in a rental car in North Carolina a couple days ago, so I think I have to change a few release dates. The most drastic of which will be "Afternoon is Ours." I've been working on it the most and made some positively wonderful progress on it in the past month or so, but it's all down the drain now. I'll do my best to remember it, but I don't even have the outline to work from, either. -.- I've yet to ask my parents if maybe they took it out of the car, and I'll do that, but it's doubtful because, last I saw of it, it was under their seats to avoid my sister's Diet Coke and orange juice spill. Ick. I still have not recieved replies from any more authors I requested. In fact, my site e-mail inbox had a grand total of two messages in it: one from the author of "Synthetic Emotions" that I hadn't deleted yet, and the other was a promo for some new Hotmail deelybobber. This site is really growing! Feel the sarcasm. Aryante |