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Individiosa Dreams

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

The Old Estate on the Corner

I had just found a paperback book I wanted to read.  I set out to find a nice spot outside to start it.  I came upon an old abandoned mansion on a corner lot.  It was surrounded by a high row of hedges and fencing.  The gate was open so I went in.  The grounds were kept pristine.  There were rows of low hedges and small bushes.  Along the center was two rows of orange trees with a path leading between them to the front door.  I set my book on a small bench and decided to explore the house.  I pushed open the large double doors to reveal what was a huge open room with wood floors and old rugs.  Built in shelves lined the walls and books were still on them.  There was decorative items about, a desk, set of side chairs and a few small tables.  It felt like the enterence to a very large library.  Although the house was abandoned, the only sign of it's emptiness was the layer of dust on everything.

I choose to go down the hall on the far left.  It opened into another room twice the size of the first.  This one was empty and slowly a few young boys started to appear.  One passed me saying hello as if nothing was out of place.  I knew the boys were neighborhood kids just using the old house as their own.  A few older boys were jogging on the outside of room like a gymnasium. 

I followed the first boy back outside where I realized the grounds were now alive with activity. There was ladders leaned against a few orange trees and a few girls were picking oranges.  People were walking all around and relaxing under shade trees.  I went up one of the ladders and grabbed my own orange.  After I came back down, I noticed it was now dark and I was standing outside the gate on the sidewalk.  I decided to walk home and return the next day to retreve my book.  

The following day, I walked by the old mansion, heading for the gate when I saw firetrucks all around.  The mansion was a blaze.  I could see a decayed portion on the rear of the house.  I hadn't entered that part and was told they had tried to only burn off the bad sections but the good parts of the mansion had caught fire also.  I watched as the flames started to wilt the orange trees one by one.

 After the fire was out, I wondered if my book survived.  I went thru the gate and noticed some plants still lived.  A few of the orange trees furthest from the house still had bright orange fruit on them.  My book still lay on the bench were I left it and it was only wet from the firetrucks.


Posted by individiosa at 1:48 PM EST
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Tuesday, 24 April 2007

I was in an unusual house that I knew belonged to my mom and her boyfriend. It was haunted and one of the ghosts was evil. My mom's dog Casey had three ghost dogs that followed her around. I was in the bathroom, which had a set of narrow stairs leading up to an unknown room. I had the door open and Casey, with her ghost dogs, was in the hallway just outside the door. Casey began to creep into the bathroom toward the stairs. After reaching them she began to back away slowly while growling. I then could feel the evil thing coming down from that room. It made a low hum and had a very heavy breeze coming from it which got heavier the closer it got. It made it hard to breathe. Casey and her ghost dogs had made it to the doorway and I figured I ought to follow her out and close the door behind me. I then was sitting in the living room with the rest of the household and announced calmly "It's in the bathroom again"
- Jodi 3-21-05

Posted by individiosa at 11:03 PM EDT
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Mood:  not sure
My dream began at a festival. I was waiting in a very long line. My brother, Jeff, had been there but was lost to me in the crowd. I was still waiting alone in this line which was now away from the noise of the festival and ran along a calm river. I had a very strong feeling of not being able to leave this line. I now was sitting on the ground, the stranger beside me was asleep and the others around were all silent. It began to seem as if everyone around was beginning to disappear. I kept looking back at the sleeping man making sure he was still there. Eventually he too just disappeared. An SUV then drove by with one adult and three kids in it. I could see inside and hear the conversations. Suddenly it went out of control and flipped down the side of the embankment toward the river but was caught up in a small wooded area. I had no phone and wasn't suppose the leave this line but I knew they needed help. A jogger and bicyclist passed but ignored me when I asked them to help. The jogger had said it wasn't his problem. I knew I had to step out of the "line" to help these people but the feeling was so strong to stay. I looked down the path toward my unknown destination, then back at the SUV by the river. I stepped away from my line deciding to help them and then woke up.
- Jodi 6-29-05

Posted by individiosa at 10:46 PM EDT
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Thursday, 22 February 2007

Site Purpose
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: My Dreams
Dreams - we all have them. Some we remember, some fade away at daylight. I will share my memorable dreams. Some will be bizarre. All will originate from the depth of my sleeping mind.

Posted by individiosa at 8:22 AM EST
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