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Welcome to the Innocent Bystanders Web Site. Support the independent music scene!

May 11, 2003 - Nothing going on right now. but we are still looking for a drummer and possibly some other people to play eith. maybe i should just revamp this whole site into a home page for the indie Eastern OK punk scene.... naw i'm too lazy. Oh check out BMP, Mcbane and Composition B in Muskogee at Rainbow Ampitheater on the 25th of this month! - Charlie

April 10, 2003 - I know none of you fuckers check the site anymore but what the hell. We are looking for a drummer! know anyone? leave a message! innocent bystanders can still march on! Vic writes all the song anyway! (sometimes i help though) -Charlie

maRCH 14, 2002 - Well, Addam moved somewhere so no more Innocentbystanders (boo hoo) I am now looking to start a band with some people who also like playing music. The only criteria is that you can't suck ( or at least not suck any worse than me). Maybe I'll just be a solo artist and write soppy love songs about girls. or maybe i'll write acoustic punk anthems that everyone will sing along with. blah i'lll just get drunk

February 4,2002 - Well hows this for some bad news. Adam has decided to pack it up and head to Kansas City in a month or 2. He is planning on staying for awhile, maybe forever! So it looks like this may be the end for now. But, Goddammit we want to play one more show with you guys before that. Also I just got this brand new bass i haven't got to play yet dammit! ummm anybody need a bass player? -Charlie

February 3 ,2002 - Big news!!!! Mcbane has a drummer! I can't freaking belive my ears!!!! Apparantly, Mcbane paid him in twinkies to join the band. now thats alot of twinkies!

January 31, 2003 - No new news today(sob..)I heard a rumor that BMP is opening up for Sting though, be sure and post your comments about that on the message board. -Vic

January 27, 2003 - I added a guestbook to the page so you better all friggin sign it.I added a poll to the page click the link and take it!!Good jam at Aaron W's this weekend it was a hell of a good time. -Vic

January 24, 2003- new page added to site Bogus Testimonials Read what Famous Musicians have to say about this up and coming Punk Band!I don't know how to add links up top so i'll just leave it here.Uhh Beer drinking and music playing at Aaron W's house tonight. -Vic

January 22, 2003- I'm going to start updating the website regulary so uh yeah cool. No new news right now except we are looking for shows, so if you want us to play give us an e-mail. I got some links up on the links page, if you want a link on there e-mail me and we'll see if we can't work something out. -Vic