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quote me not

creative christians and
religious advertising
"Best Christian vitamin: B1"
"ch ch what's missing? U R"
"Don't be a church dropout... drop in!"
"In the dark? Follow the son!"
"Jesus is the passover lamb"
"Sign broken, message inside."
"Jesus has a heart for you. Do you have a heart for Jesus?"

el quota:

"Laura, did you know your house is yellow?" -Jimi

"Most of the world's problems could be avoided if people just said what they fucking meant." -M. Manson

"There she is!.... oh wait... that's a trash can." -Josh

"Liiiiibraaaaryyyyy..." -One of Brian Olivo's many attempts to get out of senior sem.

"When i'm done with you, your buns will be sticky." -Donnelly at the diner

"you kiss many frogs before you find your prince." -Julia

"my guggle butt.."-Tom (i think he meant "my gut is bubbling")

"fucking garbage shit!" -Mr. Loveless (trying to change Matt's flat tire)

"hell damn ass!" -Chuck (realizing he's missing ECW)

"Damn! Damn.... damn... damn! Oh well, I didn't want to watch it anyway.... damn! DAMN..." -Mr. Latiano (he got the wrong movie)

"Look at that thing over there- it looks like something dead." -Mr. Latiano (pointing out road kill)

"But wouldn't he have a stinky cock?" -Me (wondering outloud about butt sex)

awesome lyrics by Radiohead
"sit back down again and press play
like nothing has happened
packt like sardines in a crush tin box
puppets on strings
invisible forces
speaking in a tongue
that dribbles and lashes
salivates in the ashes
of the gap in between
you and me"