Looking For Jay?

Looking For Jay? (all)

By: Howard High

A story based off of true events, & characters, with lots of fiction put into it. It is all about about life in Nevada, Missouri.

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Part 1: Looking For Jay?

Re-printed from issue #18

...And it all began one summer night, in June. Not a thing to do, but then, Speedy Paul had an idea! It was time to find Jay. A simple task some might say, but to find good ol' Jay in this town, this late at night was very hard to do. Despite the odds against them they went on thier wayto seek Jay out anyway. Dee Dee was Paul's side kick, or was he just looking for a ride, either way he was along side in Paul's car, the boat. Now the boat is Speedy Paul's pride and joy, even though the cd player skips terrible. The tunes were loud, the quest was on, they were going to find Jay, untill they saw the police lights in the mirror, now was not the time to see the cops...

Part 2: The 13 Curves

Re-printed from issue #19

..."Cops! Oh no!" Dee Dee said to Speedy Paul, with excitement.

"They can't catch us" Replied Paul with a chuckle. Paul hit the gas down, and their car took the lead, followed by a Nevada Police car. The officer was right on their tail as they hit the city limits, but no time to slow down, the sheriff was waiting on the shoulder of east Austin.

"We will have to take the back roads and loose him, but where to now?" Dee Dee ask.

Paul replied in a matter of fact tone, "13 Curves and do you know why?"...

Part 3: Lucy's Fast-Gas

Re-printed from issue #20

...Dee Dee, looked puzzled and replied "No, why?"

Paul answered "Because, that is where they think we will go."

The sheriff was still on the tail of Speedy Paul and Dee Dee, as they took a speeding slide around the first curve.

"I can loose them on number four! Hang on!" Paul shouted. Paul had his foot to the floor, then all at once hit the brake and spun the car, spinning a 180 and then smashing the gas to the floor again, pulling a fast one on the sheriff. When the sheriff tried to spin around, he slid off the road into a nearby muddy ditch, and was stuck in the product of the excess rain. Usually the mud is a bad thing but for Paul and Dee Dee it was a treat. Fog surrounded the sheriffs car, here is the suprising truth about 13 curves, there is more than meets the eyes.

The boys pulled into Lucy's Fast-Gas shortly after to get sodas, some gas and to tell Spider all about it, but as for the sheriff, that is another tail...

Part 4: Frank Guest

Printed for the first time here on the web page, then reprinted in issue #30

Frank owns a club on the West side of town, just across the city limits sign. He is a kind of, keep the party going sort of guy. So one night he hired the local band, Mr. E. Machine to play a gig there. They are quite an act when it comes to rock-n-roll, but the crowd was just a little slow. With a small crowd the night just allways seem to just drag on, and then some one gets into a fight. Two big guys started showting in the corner by the pool tables at one another. It was not long after that the fists began to fly. Frank ran to break it up, and got busted in the nose and out he went. Frank fell to the ground like a boxer being K.O.ed. The fight between the two guys continued and went on longer than your average dispute. About this time Monkey and Veronica walked in. That is when Monkey debued his kung fu skills for the whole town by taking out both guys in three swings and a ka-pow. One of the girls at the counter has already called the cops, but they were too bussy with other chase matters to show up in any short amount of time. Monkey went one way to find his wierd friends from Ft. Scott, and Veronica went to find Sam. Aparently Veronica had been sort of seeing Sam, even though he had a girl friend already. the real question was did she know?

Part 5: Tail of the Mystic Fog

Re-printed from issue #21

The mystic fog on 13 curves, surrounded the sheriffs car. The fog began to swallow it up, the car slowly vanished. Now you may wonder just where the Sheriff went, but I promice you don't want to know. The mystic fog is not so nice to people it encounters. Three days later, the whole city was in an uproar searching for the Sheriff, and who knows when they will find him.

Part 6: Spider

Re-printed from issue #22

Spider was Paul's good friend, another of his partners in crime, and definitely a mean dude, but fairly jolly till he is upset. He is around a lot and lives in his six room, one broken deck, home of the party...The Ranch. He lives with Percy, and lately, has been the talk of the town, but that is another story for another day. Now of course when Paul relayed the story it was a bit better that it actually was.

"...And then they shot at me but missed and we smashed through a farm fence to get away. Well they will be looking for us so we better get, later Spider."

Part 7:

Will be printed in Issue #23 of the news letter then it will be here.

Part 8: "Beware of February"

First printed here on the web, then re-printed in issue #30

My name is Dee Dee and here is my story. It was just another day in the hometown, so I thought anyway. Things had been very stressful lately, but it was warm for February so that made the day seem better even though it really was not. I knew my girl was mad at me and we were on the down and out, I was not prepared for what happened. I was going to her house (of course to try and fix things) after she had said “We really need to talk about our relationship, what we are doing is just not working.” I had just lost my job during the week and when she found out, she had an attitude adjustment towards us and said “it’s not working” But I was not ready for it all to end the next day, but it did. Now I am lost, and alone. I have been struggling with all the things that I had been preparing to do. Now, I still want to do them, but all at once the immediate need to do them seems to be my second priority. My first is to take care of my well being, and myself.

Meanwhile accost the town…

Sam just shut the light of to turn in for the night, when he heard a loud pounding on his door. He answered it quickly and found Veronica standing there.

“What is going on Sam” Veronica shouted.

“I don’t know” Sam replied in a defensive tone.

“You know what I’m talking about, it’s her fault” Veronica points to a skinny blond girl in the shadows behind Sam.

“It’s not what you think” Sam defended.

“I thought we had something” Veronica insisted.

“I guess not anymore I don’t feel the same way about you as you feel about me, so I think you better leave” Sam explained.

“Well I guess it’s over then?” Veronica questioned one last time.

“It never was” Sam concluded, and then slammed the door. The clock ticked on, and it was seventeen after nine on that un-seasonably warm February first.

I will always remain to say

“My everything was gone in an hour and seventeen minutes, and now I can hardly remember the murdering conversation. But there will still forever be those two years that will never be forgotten.”

To be continued....

"Officer Crockett"

Part 11

Re-printed from issue #29

As we all know the Sheriff is M.I.A., you know missing in action, so the Mayor desided to appoint Officer Crockett as temporary sheriff. Crockett is one bad dude, most of the local gang wanna-bee's don't like to mess with him, and they steer clear. Now with Crockett in power Vernon County will be a crime free place. Sam did not relise that Crockett was now sheriff, or maybe he and his gang would of thought twice about trying to burn down the police station. The plan was perfected, the team was ready, and all was in place. Sam, Jay, Paul, Spider & Dee Dee all got together and prepaired to burn down the police station, and get out of town.They arived at the station at 4:42 AM on a cold and rainy March evening and all asembled thier positions. Sam was the lookout; his post was on top of the old library building. Jay was the "torch master"; this was to be his grand finale as a criminal. Paul was in the boat, he was the getaway man, and Dee Dee was the decoy. Spider took charge as the mission front man, or the recon so to speek. Everything was planed out good, but it just didn't fall through. Spider took off running towards the building to plant the fire starter, and Jay followed behind to light it all with his torch gun. Flames flew up and cops showed up in just a matter of minutes. Jay went down in a blaze of punishment. (To be cont...)

"The Heat Is On!“ Part 12

Re-printed from issue #30

Crocket grabbed Jay, threw him onto the the ground and put cuffs on him, while three other officers chased spider. Dee Dee was the decoy but Crockett out smarted him, when Dee Dee sounded the alarm system at the bank, to send the cops a curve, two officers were already there to arrest him. Paul hit the gas, and spun away in his car. he and Sam had wasted no time, they went strait to the getaway part of the mission, after Sam had spotted all the missfortune sprung on thier plans by the Police. Spider was all alone, running from three officers and they were all shooting at him. He got away, some how , by dodging into an old garage somewhere on Main Street. The officers did not see him go in and kept on running down the street. So how did Crockett know about thier plan already? (To be cont...)

Part 13

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