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undefined Missouri Punk Scene!
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Missouri Punk Scene

Hey everybody. It's me Chris and this is my page. Kind of basic. I'll be updating it and helping you find some real bands. ( Not on 93.3 ) So far it's a tiny site but hey it's a start. I've got a few links up already. First up is The Baddest Chick Ms.Erin "Aaroyn" Little. She's got some pretty cool links there to. Second is one of my fav bands the Suicide Machines. Go there! Next up is Saves the Day. Hooray for that. Cool band. Check out the site and make sure to see there new CD.Song #7 is worth it. Let's see. There's also Sarah's Page The Wall of Lame. Great idea. Plus you can check out her entire fine and much better than mine page from there.Finally, There's the New Found Glory Page. It is currently being remodeled.Last is my cousins page. Pretty cool. I reccomend you check it out.

Now here is the additions to this page. First up is the place I call HereThere. It will soon contain reviews of CD's, information on bands, tour dates, and the upcoming Sarcastic Hooligans. Second, you can find the section of Pittiful (misspelled to represent itself). It will contain embarssing picture of all my friends, and yes it's stolen from Sarah's page. Next, is my personal thoughts page. It holds some of the weirdest writings you can find. A new essay will be posted once or twice a week, so check back often. Last, is the site containing my shoutouts, hey it's name. If you know me check out this page and see what I have to say.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Pages for Friends and Space for Bands

From the lady that brought you ultimate Shaft quotes.
Suicide Machines. Great Band. Great Site. Nuthin more.
Saves the Day.
The Wall Of Lame. Great page.
Great band. Nice page. A new Found Glory.
Cousins page. Check it out.

Links for the rest of the site.

Bands, Tours, Sarcastic Hooligans, and more.
The pitiful pics of others.
My thoughts.
Shoutouts to all of my friends.
Pong, thanks to Javascript Planet v.5.01

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WARNING: The site below contains a large amount of profanity.

Click at your own risk.