The Num Nutz Band

Num Nutz CD's, Tapes & Etc.
The Music, The Songs, The Discs.

« z » "engurdi noix"

The first cd to be recorded by the band was called "engurdi noix". The title stood for num nutz in French, was quite offten miss interpereted for something else. It was recorded in Pittsburgh, Kansas at Cave Art Studio, by Phil Kindberg, and Tim Corn. The cd was actualy an EP because it was only eight songs and under twenty minuets it falls in the Extended Play (EP) catagory. The first and only 300 copys pressed were labled with a gold sticker that read "first edition". It was releced on Purple Shed Records (c) 1997. The band had the official relece party on the Nevada, Missouri square in the summer of 1998. The EP was only avalable on CD.

« z » NUM NUTZ

The fast moving $2 cassette tape, recorded at 1127 N. Cedar, in September of 1996, was a major sucsess even though it was a really poor recording. There were 56 actual copys printed, but people made aprox. 110 bootlegged copys, and passed them on to thier friends so they could hear their favorite song. The tape is no longer in print. Purple Shed Records (c) 1996.