The Num Nutz Band

For The Fans
This section is dedicated to the fans.

« z » If you are a fan...

Thank You
We want to personaly thank each of the people who stuck with us all the way. You know who you are.

« z » Crazy Things Our Fans Did At Our Shows.

---Forgot their name---

---Started a fight in the mosh pit---

---Came to the show just to try and get a date with Chase---


---Danced with bottles---

---Was secretly in love with Brian for six years---

---Pretended not to be a fan---

---Bought a t-shirt for thier mom---

---Let a 15 year old drive his brand-new mustang---

---Went to get a coke and never came back---

---Requested Willie Nelson Covers---

---Came in costume---

---Performed live with us---

---Said "You changed my life forever"---