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Early in adam's life, the weight of the world began to slowly build itself up onto the shoulders of a young spirit. Desperate, and un-experienced, he wandered blind through the ravenous forests of despair, trying to slowly put the misinformed pieces of the world together. When the final puzzle was solved, a new light sparked down upon the knowledge of the unknowing, shining light deep into the madness of the world. Enraged, with the new understanding of the cruelties of the world, his anger built up to a point where the thoughts pounding in his head, created a steady rhythmic pattern that fueled his intensity and allowed for the exploration of the percussive world. Thus started his new found outlet and release from the world and musical creativity.


Mapex "mars pro" drums

REMO heads

Sabian cymbals

GROVER snare drum

LP congas

Ayotte and Zildjian sticks

Shure headset microphone

Fender Jazz bass


*Finger Eleven



*I Mother Earth

