Meet the Crew

General Stuff

01. Name - Carmon [blek]
02. Middle name - Brandy
03. DOB - 5/25/90
04. Age - 14
05. Location - St. Pete, FLA
06. Eye Color - green
07. Hair Color - brown
08. Hair Length - half way down back?
09. Height - 5'5
10. Shoe Size - 9
11. Glasses or Contacts? - haha neither lol
12. Braces? - unfortunately
13. Single or taken? - single
14. Bad Habits? - erm.... obsessive compulsive sometimes?
15. Fears? - BUGS!!!
16. Screen name? - shadoehorse

Edumaction [School]

17. Current school - Dixie
18. School mascot - er.... rebel
19. School colors - blue n silver
20. Favorite subject - umm.... naptime? or maybe lunch
21. Favorite teacher - er... ms greenberg i guess
22. Subject of fav. teacher - math agghhh did i just do that?
23. Who sits next to you in math class [if you have one] - summer, nicole, jonathan

Birds and the Bees [Love]

24. Boyfriend/Girlfriend? - none :(
25. If yes, what's their name? - how much longer?
26. If yes, how long have you been together? - this is kinda depressing lol
27. Any crushes? - had one but hes an ASS lol
28. Do they know you crush on them? - i think so
29. Who was your biggest crush? - uh... prob a certain someone lol
30. Ever had your heart broken? - dunno

Happy stuff [Favorites]

31. Animal - horse
32. Color - green
33. Person - whitler...
34. Subject - NAPTIME! lol
35. Season - fall or winter
36. Holiday - my birthday :X
37. Hobby - ANYTHING EQUESTRIAN and soccer
38. Sport - soccer and riding
39. Feeling - uh... happiness
40. Saying - up urs lol
41. Word - probably shit or damn lol
42. Month - MAY
43. Clothing - jeans
44. Jewelry - earrings
45. Food - pizza
46. Drink - chocolate milk and SPRITE

Life savers [Friends]

47. Best - whitler
48. Most daring - heather
49. Funniest - katie
50. Tallest - twinsies!!!
51. Shortest - uyen
52. Loudest - becca
53. Shyest - stacie
54. Smartest - damn twinsies
55. Blondest - kara!!
56. Craziest - ME or heather lol
57. Nicest - atisha
58. Sweetest - summer
59. Weirdest - haha.... um.... heather?
60. Flirtiest - kara

Have you ever...

61. Had a wish come true? - i wish
62. Had a dream come true? - same answer
63. Broken a body part? - no
64. Fallen in love? - no
65. Done something regretful? - hell ya lol
66. Tripped in public? - a lot
67. Sang in public? - hell no lol
68. Cryed in public? - yes
69. Kissed someone besides family? - no
70. Been in a crash? - no

This OR That

71. Coke OR Pepsi - coke
72. Tall OR Short - tall
73. Flowers OR Candy - candy
74. Math OR English - english
75. Blink 182 OR Green Day - green day, but its close
76. Mickey OR Minnie - minnie
77. Middle OR High school - high!
78. Boyfriend OR Girlfriend - boyfriend
79. Single OR Taken - single for him taken for me lol

Word Association

80. Bead - necklace
81. Bed - naptime!
82. Sexy - none of ur damn business
83. Phone - evil!
84. Tough - 2fast2furius lol
85. Neato - -backs away slowly-
86. Leather - saddle
87. Weird - is that derogatory?
88. So - sarcastic
89. Easy - usually used with "please let this math test be -"
90. Test - -hides-
91. Nerd - twinsies lol
92. Falling - hope i dont break anything
93. Air - keep breathing u retard lol
94. Hot - do i have to wear my show clothes?


95. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? - no
96. Do you like snowballs? - i guess so
97. Are you in school? - not at the moment, but yes in general
98. Do you like to swim? - yes
99. Is Adam Sandler REALLY hot? - haha no
100. What do you think of pebbles? - the flintstones?
101. What is your natural hair color? - brunette
102. Have you ever been to New Jersey? - no
103. Do you like blinking? - sometimes
104. Do you know how many questions are left? - TWO!
105. Are you happy this survey is over? well no duh lol

General Stuff

01. Name - Whitney
02. Middle name - STFU
03. DOB - 04.08.90
04. Age - Nearly 15
05. Location - Florida
06. Eye Color - Greeny, sometimes gray I've been told
07. Hair Color - I'm not even sure, I think reddish?
08. Hair Length - Long enough
09. Height - 5'2 and a half
10. Shoe Size - 9
11. Glasses or Contacts? - Contacts
12. Braces? - Not yet
13. Single or taken? - Single, thank god
14. Bad Habits? - Twirling my hair
15. Fears? - DOLLS AND THE OCEAN *hides*
16. Screen name? - Whitlerownsyou

Edumaction [School]

17. Current school - Dixie High
18. School mascot - Rebels
19. School colors - Blue and something else..
20. Favorite subject - GYM
21. Favorite teacher - All 4 of them ^_^
22. Subject of fav. teacher - Uhh Geometry, Guitar, Weightlifting, and Spanish 3
23. Who sits next to you in math class [if you have one] - Nicole

Birds and the Bees [Love]

24. Boyfriend/Girlfriend? - Nah
25. If yes, what's their name? - Dating sucks
26. If yes, how long have you been together? - Friends are cooler
27. Any crushes? - Eric...Blonde...D*****..more or less I just think they're hot ;)
28. Do they know you crush on them? - Eric does... not the other 2
29. Who was your biggest crush? - Donnie <3
30. Ever had your heart broken? - Ayuh

Happy stuff [Favorites]

31. Animal - Penguin...or a dragon
32. Color - Green or black
33. Person - Brandy or Uyen or Amanda B.
34. Subject - Gym
35. Season - Spring
36. Holiday - Holloween
37. Hobby - Writing poetry
38. Sport - Volleyball or swimming
39. Feeling - Cant explain it...
40. Saying - "I'm rad, you're rad, lets hug."
41. Word - Hmmm...either sessy [means sexy] or glomp [means bear hug]
42. Month - April
43. Clothing - Pajamas
44. Jewelry - Blue and green spikey ball earrings or cross necklace
45. Food - Anything italian
46. Drink - Mountain Dew

Life savers [Friends]

47. Best - Can't choose
48. Most daring - I'd have to say...Amanda B. [For something about Josh...]
49. Funniest - All my friends have their funny moments...
50. Tallest - Blonde...
51. Shortest - Uyen or Josh
52. Loudest - Em...I dunno, maybe Jynx lol
53. Shyest - Dunno
54. Smartest - Probably the twins or Uyen or Melissa
55. Blondest - Brandy and Uyen and Eric
56. Craziest - Eric and Brandy
57. Nicest - All of em
58. Sweetest - Summer C.
59. Weirdest - Jesse
60. Flirtiest - I've never really seen my girl friends flirt so I'd have to say Eric again lmao

Have you ever...

61. Had a wish come true? - Uh probably
62. Had a dream come true? - I don't think so
63. Broken a body part? - CHEA my finger ;)
64. Fallen in love? - Hecka No
65. Done something regretful? - Oooof course :)
66. Tripped in public? - Oooof course lol
67. Sang in public? - Yep in a bar c[:
68. Cryed in public? - At the dentists one time...
69. Kissed someone besides family? - Chea [not a good chea]
70. Been in a crash? - Nope

This OR That

71. Coke OR Pepsi - Coke
72. Tall OR Short - Tall
73. Flowers OR Candy - Candy
74. Math OR English - ENGLISH
75. Blink 182 OR Green Day - Green Day
76. Mickey OR Minnie - Mickey
77. Middle OR High school - Um... 8th grade of middle school and 2nd semester of 9th grade? There we go...
78. Boyfriend OR Girlfriend - Haha neither!!!
79. Single OR Taken - SINGLE! [Someone ruined the "taken" experience for me for awhile]

Word Association

80. Bead - bracelet
81. Bed - Feather
82. Sexy - Johnny Depp
83. Phone - Awkward silence
84. Tough - Love
85. Neato - burrito
86. Leather - pants *snicker*
87. Weird - Me, bizatch!
88. So - Your mom
89. Easy - Peasy
90. Test - Cram
91. Nerd - High pants
92. Falling - Cloud?
93. Air - Ball [haha I dont know]
94. Hot - air


95. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? - Yeppers
96. Do you like snowballs? - Uh huh
97. Are you in school? - At this very second, no
98. Do you like to swim? - Chea
99. Is Adam Sandler REALLY hot? - Heck yes!
100. What do you think of pebbles? - They can fit up your nose
101. What is your natural hair color? - Haha fuck you
102. Have you ever been to New Jersey? - Nah
103. Do you like blinking? - YEA so fun
104. Do you know how many questions are left? - Hmm... pi
105. Are you happy this survey is over? No :(

Uyeny Uyen

General Stuff
01. Name - uyen
02. Middle name - i'm not at the liberty to discuss that....
03. DOB - 8/2/90 04. Age - 14
05. Location - a chair...no..st pete fl
06. Eye Color - brwn
07. Hair Color - black
08. Hair Length - medium longish
09. Height - i dk, i'mshort..not 5' yet
10. Shoe Size - 4 or 5
11. Glasses or Contacts? - both, but glasses more
12. Braces? - nope
13. Single or taken? - single
14. Bad Habits? - erm.... obsessive compulsive disorder, getting glitter on my hand then itching my face...lol..procrastinating
15. Fears? - snakes, sharks, worms, caterpillars, the monster under my bed....
16. Screen name? - smilinangel829

Edumaction [School]
17. Current school - St. Pete High School
18. School mascot - green devil
19. School colors - green and white/black
20. Favorite subject - BST..tis the easiest, maybe bio
21. Favorite teacher - this year is mrs.moore, but all time is mrs. stevens
22. Subject of fav. teacher - bio and spanish
23. Who sits next to you in math class [if you have one] - in front of me is andrew, behind me is orysia, left is rica, lauren and melissa, right is frederick and april. lol

Birds and the Bees [Love]
24. Boyfriend/Girlfriend? - yes
25. If yes, what's their name? - Mr. No One Nobody (he's invisible...lol)
26. If yes, how long have you been together? - ever since....school started and i haven't had a bf..oops...i made him mad...
27. Any crushes? - not right now
28. Do they know you crush on them? - : )
29. Who was your biggest crush? - haha..Nick
30. Ever had your heart broken? - i guess...

Happy stuff [Favorites]

31. Animal - PENGUINS! no..rabbits..no
chinchillas...no hamsters...any of the pets i saw at Petland lol
32. Color - blue
33. Person - WHITLEY!
34. Subject - vietnamese...lol
35. Season - spring or summer
36. Holiday - my birthday
37. Hobby - hmm...tkd counts....computer....internet...talking
38. Sport - swimming and tkd
39. Feeling - hyper
40. Saying - bleh or blah or pbbbbbbb c[: or idiot lol
41. Word - ohh..same as saying...lol
42. Month - i dk....i pick...i dk
43. Clothing - jeans
44. Jewelry - earrings
45. Food - candy...SKITTLES or noodles/rice
46. Drink - lemonade...or apple juice

Life savers [Friends]
47. Best - i pick...Whitley
48. Most daring - rica or minh
49. Funniest - i would choose Nick...but i choose Darren
50. Tallest - Twins! or maybe MAtt...yea he's wayyyyy taller
51. Shortest - Tina!
52. Loudest - Minh or Adolphia
53. Shyest - i pick me..no one is shy at my school
54. Smartest - Tina or Michelle
55. Blondest - Tina..although she's indian..lol
56. Craziest - Tina..again. lol. or Darren or Frederick
57. Nicest - not gonna pick Tina...Sharon
58. Sweetest - Thao
59. Weirdest - TIna..lol. or Minh...
60. Flirtiest - hmm..toughie...Whitler? lol

Have you ever...

61. Had a wish come true? - i wish
62. Had a dream come true? - i dream...but no
63. Broken a body part? - i don't think so
64. Fallen in love? - not in Love LOVE
65. Done something regretful? - yep
66. Tripped in public? - ha...yea...everyday at school on the stairs...
67. Sang in public? - once..but no one heard me. lol
68. Cryed in public? - tons of times
69. Kissed someone besides family? - no
70. Been in a crash? - not sure....

This OR That

71. Coke OR Pepsi - coke
72. Tall OR Short - tall..but i short..so i pick short. lol
73. Flowers OR Candy - candy flowers....
74. Math OR English - math. haha i'm weird
75. Blink 182 OR Green Day - hmm...maybe...Green Day
76. Mickey OR Minnie - Minnie
77. Middle OR High school -MIDDLE
78. Boyfriend OR Girlfriend - boyfriend
79. Single OR Taken - single

Word Association

80. Bead - bracelet
81. Bed - sleep
82. Sexy - myob
83. Phone - ring!
84. Tough - people at tkd
85. Neato - huh?
86. Leather - jacket
87. Weird - ME
88. So - what?
89. Easy - peezy lemon squeezy : )
90. Test - pbbbb
91. Nerd - Ms. Northrup..haha she called me a nerd
92. Falling - sky
93. Air - breathe
94. Hot - sweat..lol


95. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? - sometimes
96. Do you like snowballs? - never touched one but yea
97. Are you in school? - not right now..but i was this morning
98. Do you like to swim? - YES
99. Is Adam Sandler REALLY hot? - he's ok
100. What do you think of pebbles? - haha...good to throw at..ahem austin...but pretty colors...
101. What is your natural hair color? - black
102. Have you ever been to New Jersey? - no
103. Do you like blinking? - occationally
104. Do you know how many questions are left? - i dc
105. Are you happy this survey is over? no cause now i have to do hw....