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Amy's April 25, 2003 Review

Joshua: I was sosososososooo glad he was on. Ever since I heard some Swim stuff and heard his "Will I?" solo online...yeah. His Mr. Grey was so funny, and he plays a remarkably good stoner J. His face was just priceless during every Christmas Bells part. And he’s freakin gorgeous. I hope I can see his Roger sometime, but doubtful cause I can't get down til August.

Anywho, then I see Joshua standing by himself on the edge of the sidewalk...I dunno why he wasn't getting mobbed, cause he's hot, but anyway. I walked over (I was wicked nervous...I mean, I've been following his music and stuff for a while) and this was our conversation. SQUEAL.
me: Joshua? Could I trouble you for a picture?
J: Sure!
me: Thanks! I'm a big fan of Swim...
J: Really? Wow, thanks! [well, that's more or less what he said. Giddiness might have gotten in the way of comprehension]
me: I live near Boston, so I can never get down here, so I'm really glad you were on tonight.
J: Well, maybe we should get up to Boston for a gig sometime.
me: Yes! And you should have Matt perform, too!
J: Haha, alright! [again, more or less!]
me: Thanks for the picture, I really appreciate it!
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