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Danielle's Subway Train Review (7/20/03)

I am finding it hard to explain, or even recall well enough to. That is what I really don't like when I go to musicals or any show that I enjoy. I get so enthralled with the show and the talent of the performers I can't remember a half an hour after it ends. And I want to more than anything! All I clearly remember is how I think my mouth was open the entire time. It was such a touching show on many levels. The fact that so many various personalities come together and have this one thing in common; their everyday journey. It was clear to see that many New Yorkers have a true relationship with the city that is a noticable part of them. And no matter who you are, or what your past may have been, your life is right now. That was my favorite point in the show; was that no matter who you are, what you do, race, religion, status, and character...when you ride the subway you are none of that. You are a different person sort of sitting in neutral waiting to continue your life when you step off at your stop. When you ride the subway you are no longer in control. Essentially you putting your life into the Subway's hands and if you survive you will certainly leave enlightened and educated.

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