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Danielle's Review

I have seen Joshua a few times that I wish I could remember, but I do not for the life of me. Not because he lacked in talent or such reasons, but I was not as into the show and cast members as I obviously am now.

September 1st 2001

I went to a gig in Boston to see Matt Caplan and Josh Kobak play. I will never forget how much of a sweetheart Joshua was. The bar they were playing at was attached to a grille and I was in there eating dinner with my friend and her dad prior to the gig. He and Matt were eating a few tables away from us and they of course knew we were there for them. The flowers and other things gave it away I am sure. He gave me this huge smile when he walked by me at our table and I will never forget that. It was such a simple gesture but meant so much.

As for the show I only knew two SWIM songs going into the gig and I did not think any could be better than the ones I knew. He proved me wrong every time he opened his mouth to sing. I was in awe. Between his immense range and clarity in his voice mixed with the emotion he clearly showed while singing; I thought I had died and gone to artist's heaven. I particularly recall "Maya." What struck me was the intense creativity and thought that went into this song. It was then I knew the extent of his true talent.

After his set I could not buy his CD, "Above and Beneath" quick enough. All the way home I still sat there and was completely wrapped in the lyrics, rhythms, voices, instrumentals, and overall excellence of the album. Never have I met a nicer person so devoted and passionate about what he does. I appreciate that the most about him. The diverse style and feeling add a very large part to the essence of his work.

I can not thank him enough for giving me as much inspiration as he has. He has taught me to think abstractly and open my mind to different tastes. He is a true gift and has such a high level of talent. It was an unbelievable experience.

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