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Devon's April 13, 2003 Review

It's kind of embarrassing, but for my first time ever seeing Rent, I saw Joshua as Roger. Which I was extremly happy about, since I hadn't heard anything good about Sebastian. So I saw Josh's name and I was so happy! Anyway, I saw the show... loved Joshua's portrayal of Roger, and I didn't know that I could like wait for cast members outside the door. So I'm going to the stand where the sell stuff and Joshua is near there with a bucket ready to collect money. I don't even know what came over me, but I put money in the basket thing. And I said, "You were really good." Ya know, I'm not even sure I realized it was him(or as I called him at the time, hot man) I just like... wasn't there! So he said thanks and I left (not before grabbing a ribbon) and I was just like, "Holy God, that was the guy! Like the best guy in the history of guys and I didn't even like, get a picture. So I beat myself up everyday. I went to see Rent for my 2nd time last month and he wasn't there.
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