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Julie's April 11, 2003 Review

So we went to Rent. It was full cast except for Matt, who was still sick with laryngitis. Poor guy. Anyway... that meant we got Joshua Kobak Mark! he was really amazing. Better than I expected his Mark to be, because I see him as more of a Roger. But he made a fabulous Mark. His Tango and LVB amused me greatly, and his Halloween made me very sad. He and Sebastian did an excellent job in Goodbye Love and What You Own. But oh, so amazing. I love that show so much. So then, after the show, he was holding one of the BC/EFA buckets to collect donations, and I was planning on giving a donation anyway, but I saw him standing there (on the opposite side of the theatre, mind you) and I was like, "must donate to Joshua bucket!" So I did, and because I'm an idiot, I asked him to sign my playbill while he was still holding the bucket. He said sure and kind of looked around confused for a minute because his hands were full, then he said "Um, let me finish here, and change out of my costume and I'll see you out there." And then I met Kay, which was very cool. So then we all (Kay, her friends, and I) stood outside and waited for Joshua. Must have taken a long time to get out of the pleasantly tight pants, get his muscular arms out of the sweater and don his motorcycle gear. But he finally came out and thanked us for waiting for him, and he signed my playbill and then prepared for picture taking. My mom was having trouble with the camera, so she was like "Julie, the camera isn't working!" (it's relevant, I swear!) and Joshua was like "Come over here, Julie, come closer so we can take a picture." and kind of pulled me in next to him. Lots of trouble controlling teenybopper instincts there. So we got a picture and I thanked him profusely and told him over and over again what a great job he did.

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