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stones cry out


this is the official homepage of the music group stones cry out.  stones cry out currently consists of just one person, and that would be myself.  basically stones cry out is a side project for me, as i currently work full-time and am finishing college as well.  i plan on investing a significant amount of time into stones cry out, though.


lets get started:



about myself


e-mail stones cry out



this page was last updated on January 4, 2003, and will probably not be updated very frequently.  if you wish to help me maintain this web page, feel free to use the link above to e-mail me.  this page is always under construction, and is best viewed at 1024 x 768 resolution with Netscape 7.0 or greater.  you might want to download this font to view this page as it was intended by the creator.  to install it just extract it to your windows/fonts (or winnt/fonts) folder and double click to open it.