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The Team

that brought you this site

Webmaster1: I am a 12 year old boy that lives in Hanley,Saskatchewan,Canada.Hanley is a small town in the middle of nowhere.I am in Grade seven and have loved computers for a long time.In my spare time I draw pictures,play soccer,work on this site,work on this site and work on this site.Some other games I like are Starcraft,Diablo,Perfect Dark and Harry the Handsome Executive.If you have any suggestions, please email me.Also if you see any wrong info or dumb spelling mistakes,email me.My email is
P.S. Graham is the founder of this site , he originally wrote the content of most of the site.

Webmaster2: I'm 13, I live in Seattle, WA, USA. I would still be playing EV if had a better PC and owned Diablo2, Everquest, TFC, or Counterstrike(I'm not asking for too much here, am I?) Anyway I am the html writer, designer and the, umm, oh yeah, I make EV animations.

Tigerie: Tigerie is a non-official member of THE TEAM. How you ask? Well, he is fully responsible for me learning html.

Kira: She is my sister and she taught me html to some extent.She's unofficial too.