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undefined Japan-Culture


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The country of Japan has a culture unlike any other culture. The culture of Japan is related to the area-studies tradition of geography.

The kimono is a form of traditional Japanese clothing. Kimono are T-shaped, straight-lined robes that fall to the ankle, with collars and full-length sleeves. It is still worn today on special occasions by women although it was once worn by men and children as well. The kimono orignated in the Heian period and its design remains unchanged. Modern day Kimonos can be very expensive ranging from around $10,000-$20,000 each.

The Japanese are known for their highly sophisticated cuisine. Modern Japanese cuisine consists of mainly seafood dishes and foreign cuisine as well. One of the most popular Japanese dishes is that of sushi. There are many different kinds of sushi but the main ingrediants in all kinds is raw seafood and rice.


Geisha are traditional Japanese artists/entertainers. They were very common in the 18th and 19th centuries and can still be found today. The word Geisha has come to be known as prostitute or courtesean, although it has had previous definitions. The first geisha were male although they soon came to be only female. Training to be a geisha starts from a young age and encompasses a wide variety of arts, including musical instruments, traditional forms of singing, traditional dance, tea ceremony, flower arranging, poetry and literature.

Japanese Geisha

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