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Monday 12:16am

You sat across from me on
the porch railing. It was
a dark, cloudless night and
the stars
unmasked your veil.
You tried to deny everything
justifying your role in it all.
But the cracks in the paint moaned
when you lied-
Not to me, but to yourself.
And your thoughts were revealed.
... Or so i wish it was.
It's true the stars unmasked
I couldn't tell what it was,
so no one will ever know- because
we were alone.
You told me i was too young
and tried to turn around to
shut the door in my face.
But i touched you- and you
But i had nothing i could
put into words for you.
So i whispered "I'll miss you"
And i fled.
When i turned around- you
were still there, leaning
Against the doorframe.

