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Ring of Honor

CWF/FWA-Carolinas returned to Graham, NC this past Saturday night with "Hostile Intentions" as super crowd at the Graham Recreation Center thoroughly enjoyed the action as they only got louder and louder throughout the night.

1. Seymour Snott, Johnny Blaze, and Malaki defeated L.A. Stephens, "Playboy" Tripp, and the Canadian Assasssin in 12:45 when Snott pinned Assassin with a flying bodyppress off the top rope

2. Cham Pain pinned J.T. Sparxx (with Brad Stutts in his corner) in 7:39 with an inverted DDT after Stutts asked for "any old timer" to come out and challenge the Hostile Youth Project's Sparxx.

-Mikael Yamaha made his first public appearance since suffering a potential career-ending back injury the prior month at CWF/FWA-Carolinas' "Defiance". Yamaha's heartfelt comments and his incredible emotion touched the roaring crowd and then declared that he would indeed return to action at CWF/FWA-Carolinas "Payback" on July 20 in Graham, NC to a tremendous ovation.

3. Corey Edsel and GeeStar (with Brad Stutts in their corner) defeated Gemini Kid and FWA Women's World champion Amber Holly in 12:45 when Edsel pinned Gemini. Referee Charles Richardson overlooked several rule infractions by the HYP members including a cookie sheet shot to the head by Stutts to Gemini giving way to an avalance brainbuster by Edsel for the pinfall.

4. Otto Schwanz pinned "Nite Stic" Eddie Brown in 14:40 with a powerslam to win the CWF/FWA-Carolinas Heavyweight title, therby ending Eddie Brown's dominant 6-month run with the Heavyweight title.

5. Main Attraction ("Mr" Business Scott Powers and "Mr. Pleasure" Chris Steele) defeated the $outh$ide Playas (J-Money and L.A. Cash) in 15:43 to win the CWF/FWA-Carolinas tag team titles when Powers pinned Money after hitting him with the championship belt

6. CWF/FWA-Carolinas Cruiserweight champion Sexton Tyler pinned "Slick" Ric Converse (with Special K and Brad Stutts in his corner) in 10:14 Charles
Richardson once again overlooked rule infractions by the HYP setting the crowd into "We want Vern!" chants throughout the match. Stutts once again tried to use the cookie cutter but referee Charles Richardson was down and out. The crowd started to chant "We want Vern!" and finally Senior referee Vern Stephens ran in to count the
deciding fall as the crowd roared to their feet in approval!

After the match Stutts was left in the ring with the Hirydaz then clotheslined by Commissioner William L. Cross. The fans were estatic to see Cross finally get the better of Stutts. Cross then unveiled his "surprise" for Stutts which was a single cage! Stutts will be forced to be in the cage during any match involving the HYP at next month's show in Graham on July 20th entitled "Payback." The crowd
then broke into a chant of "Put him in the cage!"

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