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USA Independant Wrestling

Southern Championship Wrestling - 5/30/02


Total Quality Management has been in Southern Championship Wrestling for less than a week now and they are already making a huge impact on the title scene. It was announced over the weekend that Christopher Carmichael will receive a shot at Seymour Snott's North Carolina Heavyweight Title on June 27th at the TV Taping at Kings. But the match everyone is talking about this week is the "battle of the monsters" between TQM's Dan Rage and SCW Brass Knuckles Champion Malaki. With the exception of that heartbreaking loss to Otto Schwanz who was aided by Count Grog's interference, Malaki is undefeated in 2002. He has won two tag matches and five singles matches this year and that is just in SCW. The 2001 SCW Rookie of the Year is destroying his opponents in other promotions as well. Dan Rage is for the most part unknown to the SCW fans and TV viewers but he did compete in SCW back in 1998. An official from the SCW Headquarters had this to say about the upcoming match, "Both Dan Rag! e and Malaki demanded this match with each other after the conclusion of the six man tag team match at Kings last month. What we have here is a couple of young lions who honestly do not like one another and this could get real ugly."


In a surprising move that sent shock waves throughout the SCW community, Commissioner Count Grog told Friday afternoon that Otto Schwanz has been stripped of the SCW Heavyweight Title effective immediately. No explanation as to why the title was stripped from the four time champion but Grog did have this to say: “The SCW Heavyweight Title is now vacant and we will have a match on June 27th between Cham Pain and Jimmy Cicero to determine a new champion. We’re only having one live event in the month of June so all the board members voted against a tournament. Cham Pain was chosen because he is extremely popular with the fans and he has held the title on three different occasions. Jimmy Cicero was chosen because he was one of SCW’s original competitors during the 1994-1998 era. Even though we don’t agree with the recent actions of Jimmy Cicero and TQM, the board felt he deserved a shot based on all he did for the company in the early days.” Wicked Walt of An! ti-Social Society weighed in on the situation by saying this: “Today’s decision by SCW’s Championship Committee is a good example of why I am now the manager of Scab & Natrone. No one in this company deserves a shot at the title more than Scab. Scab has held the belt three times and he is by far the best athlete in SCW. The politics in indy wrestling never cease to amaze me. No telling what Grog was smoking at that meeting.” will continue to cover this breaking story and we will have more responses from the wrestlers and fans in the days ahead.


SCW fans who attended RUCKUS at Kings a few days ago saw just about everything including blood, fire and even James Thurston. Ali Steele continued his domination of opponents by defeating the high flying Skulletto in the opening match. After the match Brandi Richardson came to the ring and announced that William Wealth had left Sex, Love & Money and had been replaced by Malaki. Brandi and Malaki were soon interrupted by the members of Total Quality Management which set up a six man tag match later in the evening between TQM and SL&M. The “Silicon Valley Death Match” was up next and Seymour Snott successfully defended his North Carolina Heavyweight Title against Mervin Snead. At the conclusion of the match, TQM rushed the ring to destroy the nerds and tried to end the career of Mervin Snead. (Note: has learned that Seymour Snott will defend the title against TQM’s Christopher Carmichael on June 27th at Kings)
Scab and Natrone held onto the SCW Tag Team Titles in their match with Dave Greco and Billy Reil when Wicked Walt interfered and smashed Greco in the head with one of the tag belts. After the match concluded, Walt ripped off his shirt and he had on the signature A.S.S. shirt and he verbally assaulted the producers of SCW TV for firing him and then he burned the white jacket he had been wearing as announcer for the past three years. Count Grog then called for an early intermission so he could find a new announcer. He later returned with Travis Bradshaw from Virginia Championship Wrestling. Cham Pain and Lazz rocked the crowd next with a great match. The match went down to the wire but Cham Pain’s years of experience proved to be the deciding factor as he recorded another SCW victory. In six man tag competition, Brad Hunter & Shawn Alexander & Malaki (w/ Brandi Richardson) beat Total Quality Management (TQM)- Jimmy Cicero & Christopher Carmichael & Brent Rage (w/ Dan Rage & Br! ian Perry) and in the evening’s main event, CW Anderson defeated Dewey Cheatum in an “I Quit Match”. Former SCW Creative Director James Thurson returned and joined Count Grog at the TV announcer's table.

Upcoming Live Events:
June 27th - Kings - Raleigh, NC
July 20th - Stem Fire Hall - Stem, NC