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Vinny Colletti Custom Stringed Instruments

Custom Guitars

Archtop Jazz Guitars
Electric Guitars
Construction Details
Price List
Contact Us or Make Payments Here
Some Guitar Links, More to come
Pictures From the Shop and Guitar Show, More to Come
Tribute Pics courtesy Rumble Seat Music
Some of our Models
Portal to Our New Site

Come Join us At The 2006 MMMIS!
MMMIS Information Website

The Montreal Musician and Musical Instrument Show runs in conjunction with The Montreal International Jazz Festival, July 6-9 We are looking forward to joining our northern neighbors and friends in this celebration !

Welcome !!!!

My Philosophy:
"Your instrument should be the shortest distance from inspiration to performance"

This is my goal, to provide you with instruments that are musically,and visually inspiring. Tone and playability first and foremost. Instruments that are responsive to every nuance of your playing style, instruments to urge you onward- not hold you back.

We've been busy building guitars ,
Please don't forget! These are examples, your instrument will be a custom creation to YOUR specifications

By request, you can now make online purchases or payments on your guitar-Please email or call me for details

A few pix from the Capital Guitar Show in Sarratoga

In addition to being able to see our guitars at both of Rumble Seat Music's locations (Ithaca and Brooklyn,NY), we are very happy to announce that we will have guitars available at:
Adirondack Strings
1316 Central Ave. Albany, NY 12205
518·458·7717 (voice) 518·482·4952 (fax)
Sam Farkas is a wonderful guy and we look forward to working with him. While you're there check out his line of Acoustic Image amplifiers and Raezer's Edge speaker cabinets. Just the thing to plug your new guitar into!
Come back & visit again - Thanks , Vinny
