Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

Have You Heard?

Have you heard that word that causes you to suddenly know, fear?

It will be fine they tell you.

Have you heard that word that causes your mind to go, blank and

your body to shut-down?

Life's to short to worry if you'll survive.

Have you heard that word that causes you to wonder, why me?

The doctors can't comfort or reassure you...they say, "It's in God's


Have you heard that word that tells you, the treatment is your


It's amazing that the scientist and doctors who don't believe in God,

tell you its in his hands.

Have you heard that word.......Cancer?

Then you know what I'm talking about and what I'm feeling, the fear

within my soul.

Have you heard that word?

Written by Black Grandmom

Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge