Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge!

Young Prince

Young Black Prince of mine,
First heir to the throne.
Your Kingdom is divided
You land is not your own.

Your riches have been plundered.
Your culture disavowed.
Your history's been twisted,
the truth lost to you now.

Your royal bloods been tainted;
Your lineage obscured.
They'll tell you that you're worthless.
They'll hold you at the sword.

They'll give you pauper's rations.
They'll fence you up in slums.
They'll try to cage your gifted mind.
They'll throw you meager crumbs.

But they cannot destroy you.
That they can never do.
You are the son of Mighty Kings,
they live inside of you.

A noble blood runs through your veins
and you are not alone.
The sprit of your grandfathers
lives inside your bones.

The jewel of creation.
You were the first of man.
Before their kind had fire,
your cities were on hand.

Your fathers fathered nations.
The world round came to greet
the mighty kings of your land
and studied at their feet.

From us they learned to read the stars
to plot an earthly path.
They went away with medicine,
construction skills and math.

They feared our mighty warriors.
They envied us our land.
They scorned our wise traditions,
that they did not understand.

They crammed us into cages;
took us across the sea.
They re-wrote history's pages
leaving out our past glory.

But truth, like rising tides
return always to the shore;
The mysteries of your lineage
are lost to you no more.

So be sure and never question
the measure of your worth.
You are a prince among mankind
By reason of your birth

Written by Briley Gabriel

Mr. Africa Poetry Lounge