Welcome to BlackRainbowThe premier makers of caring but unimaginative software. We here at BlackRainbow believe that the core promise of the future is the ability to the create large, complex, computer systems that control everything that all people do. This system, if made properly, will be totally incomprehensible to all but a very few. This is where we come in. We will be the implementers, the pioneers, writing the software that will be ruling over the lives of the people for the years to come, understood by none of them. We believe not only that this goal is desirable but also that it is inevitable, provided we do our job right. The end result of this endeavor will be the creation of an all-powerful technocracy, a new ruling class. This technocracy shall be a semi-benevolent dictatorship, focused on doing the thinking for the people, taking one of the many loads off their back. This is in contrast to modern governments which, in addition to their living off the people and weighing them down with their bloated bureaucracies, also insist that the overworked populace take important time that could be productively used to do such things as become politically informed and vote. We intend to put a stop to these two foolish practices, once and for all! If you are an experienced coder and would like to become part of this new ruling class, hack this site and add your name to the masthead along with a brief biography. Don’t bother with a means of contact, we’ll just trace your IP.This page by BlackRainbow Associates ©2003 contact: cio_blackrainbow@msn.com |