This Is To Help Guys Who Are Having Troubles Understanding Their Girls. Here Is A Helping Page For The Guys:!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!

Whatever: Ok I still do agree with you and I am still mad

Hahaha Really?: Hahaha sounds interesting tell me more

Right: Ok your scary I am not gonna waist my time on you

*smiles*: Hahaha your so nice uhh ok: Whatever you say freak

I dno: I do know

Of course I know: What are you stupid I know everything

That was great: Try a little harder next time

That sucked: That sucked so bad I dont wanna talk to you

Your g/f's a slut: Your girlfriend's a slut your better off with me

Your perfect for her: You both suck

Omg say that again: Omg I cant believe you just said that hahaha and I liked it

Thanks: Thanks For Nothing

Haha your awosome: Haha your fine

sry: Omg I am soooo sorry plz forgive me

Grow up: God your sooo immature

shhhhhh: I am to polite to tell you to shut up

nvm its a girl thing: Hahahaha its good things bout yo bod!

~*~*~The signs of girls:~*~*~*~

Look into eyes look at lip and back up to eyes: Kiss me

Dirty look: dont you dare say that again

*smile look down smile*: nice I wanna piece of that

Middle finger: you dick head

How many times she's done it: I wanna do it wit you

~*~*~!Some famous inside jokes:!~*~*~

Hahaha gotta let the baby batter go:Spank yo monky

Thats what you think its cuz of your g/f that your like that: Hahah she drove you up the wall! She screwed you up!

You dont know that: Hahahahaha wow what a save you suck

With your mom: She's the only one who'll have you!