!*~All About Me ~*!



Name) Cassie (I dont have a last name)

NickName)Tassie,Canadian SweetHeart

Birthday) Jan.1st 1990

Age) 14

Parents Names: *the only important one*mom:Karen

Friends)Ashlee,Kayla,Melissa,Kyrsten,Caity,Bri,Christine,Kirstie,Jenny,Lori,Jessy,Kim,and many more.....

Piercings)Going to get the top of my ear done soon... i hope

Tattos?)Nope, not yet:P


Song)B.E.P(black eyed peas)-lets get it started, Usher- you remind me,Christina Milian - dip it low

Drink)(anything cold) Slurpees, 7up, Sprite,Rootbeer...

Food(S): Cheeseburgers,ChickenWraps,Tacos

Girl Name)Samantha

Guy Name)Matt

Tv Show)Family Guy, Futurama,Quintuplets

Hair Style)Down,straight or wavy, or messy bun

Celebrity)Matthew Lawrence, Matt Damon, Usher

Color) Red,NavyBlue,Pink Sport)Basketball,Soccr,tennis..more...

Movie)Butterfly effect and alot more!

Music Video)Dont have a favorite one

Outdoor Activite)Swimming,lying in the grass,rollar blading, bike riding,water balloon fights, trampoline and dancing in the streets! lol

Indoor Activties)Watching DVDs,listening to music,talking on the phone,dancing:)


Actor)Matt Damon

Actress)Catherine Zeta jones

Animal)Turtles,Tree Frogs

Skool Subject)English(Gr.8)

Ice Cream Flavor) Butterscotch,Mint Choco.Chip

~*Other Questions*~

Role Model(s):My momm

High School or Elementary)Westview Secondary School

Like having male-friends or female -friends)I like having female friends so you can talk about boys, makeup ideas, fav.movies, songs whatever.... but guys are cool too because they won't hold anything back lol

!~*Something about yourself~*!

My grade 8 year was kinda boring, so im hoping my grade 9 is more fun. I know it will be, Im going to make it fun. Im 14 turning 15 in like four months, i know thats a long time away but its coming.. lol. Im going to try to get a job, so i can earn my own money then i can have money when i need it and i dont have to ask my mom... then i start collect for when im 16... and can get a car:) Its doesnt have to be brand new, it just needs to run, and look kinda cool. Its been a hott summer, and im wearing on my tan, MY TAN KAYLA NOT A BURN! lol... i dont tan like Kayla.. but whatever... im slowly on my way .....Im getting my hair streaked red, and getting the top of my left ear pierced along with my ear lobes. I havent gotten them pierced for awhile... anyways... im going to go work on some other parts of my website... bye