
Name: Kayla

Nickname: May

Birthday: Feb 13th 1990

Age: 13

Parents Names (Optional): Don Ladd Cosby and Shannon Rose Roodenrys


Drink: Rootbeer

Song: Dont have one

Food(S): Sugar

TV Show: Ummmmmn Jack ass

Video Game: Half Life

Hair Style: Longness

Color: Black/red/Camoflauge

Piece Of Jewerly: anclet and ring

Movie: Charlies Angles and x-men and Jack ass!

~*Other Questions*~

Role Model(s): My mom

Main Friend: My cuzins

Outdoor Activities: sports :P

Indoor Activities: Computer t.v. raido

~*~Favorite Thing About Cassie~*~:
My favorite thing about Cassie is that she knows what am I thinking without me saying anything out loud in public. No one else can do that!

If someone doesn't like me then they can kiss my ass!