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Donny Dome, yeah!!!!!!!

Welcome to our website, dedicated to our day trip to the Doncaster 'Donny' Dome on Saturday 8th February. This website contains pictures of us (Katie and Laura) from this fun excursion! Enjoy! And don't forget to email us to tell us what you think of this masterpiece. 


This is Laura in Rotherham town centre, before we got to the Dome. Rotherham is where we live! As you can imagine, it is quite a way to get to the Donny Dome. It's around 12:30pm in this picture.

And this is Katie in Rotherham interchange, trying to find the appropriate bus.

Here is Laura standing in front of our transportation to Doncaster............... the X78 bus!! 

When we got to the Dome, we got off a few stops early, and this is a picture taken on our walk to the Dome. Try and spot it!

Getting closer! Katie in the dome car park.

Ahh, the Dome.

After we got there, we waiting in line for ages to get our ice skates, and then finally it was time to get on the rink! Here is a picture we took ourselves of us near the lockers. 

A picture of both of us on the ice.

Fuzzy picture of the rink.

Another fuzzy picture.

Bad picture number 3.

And 4, with some kid added on.

And 5.




9. This was taken from the little sitting area.


And 11, the final blurry picture of the ice rink.

There are two ramps connecting two rinks; a downhill one and an uphill one. Here is a picture of the downhill one. If you look closely, you will see Laura.

And here is a picture of the uphill one. Laura is also on this.

Here is Katie on the uphill slope, with a surprise appearance by Laura's thumb!!

Here is Katie skating, surrounded by lots of other people.

Another one of Katie skating, looking almost abnormally pale.

A picture of Laura skating while sticking her arms out in front of her. Look closely, and you'll get a glimpse of the stylish locker key wristband!

Fuzzy picture of Laura skating.

And another one!

During the course of the day, many people fall arse over tit onto the ice. Above are two pictures of some lad falling over. Ha ha ha.

And somebody else falling over.

Look at this little lad falling over. Awwww, what a shame!

Of course, us being the professionals that we are, avoiding falling over. However, there were a couple of near misses. Here is a picture of Laura grabbing hold of some stranger in attempts to stop herself from going down on the ice!

And, sadly, a close up picture of Katie nearly falling over. Possibly falling over would be less embarrassing than this picture. Note that Katie nearly dislocated her shoulder while trying to grab hold of the rail!

Laura walking into the seating area, and looking scarily close to death.

Katie going up the uphill ramp.

Katie holding her arms in the air.

Katie skating with arms stuck out.

Picture of the rink with somebody's head stuck in the way.

At one point, we met someone called Lev while we were sticking our camera's in his face. Sadly, we didn't manage to get a picture of Lev, but here is his mate, James. James and Lev both come from Wath in Rotherham. 

Here is Katie, smelling for shit.

Here is Laura smelling for shit.

Katie looking okay on the ice rink.

After the ice skating, we went to the McDonald's rip off thing that the Dome has. Here is Katie eating one of the disgusting chicken nuggets they have.

Katie waiting for her food, looking ever so slightly drunk.

Here is the git that kept us waiting ages and ages for a food. He deserves to be branded a tosser to the world.

After the disgusting meal, we were still hungry, so here is Katie getting food from the vending machine.

Here is Katie leaving the dome.

The dome at night. We ended up waiting ages for the bus to come. By this time, we were cold, bored and depressed. But at least we had the 40 minute bus journey to look forward to!

And that was it for the day! Overall, the trip to the dome was very interesting, and a great time was had by all! We hope that you enjoyed your visit to our website, and if you ever visit the dome and take pictures feel free to share them with us! We'd love to hear about your adventures to the wonder that is, the Doncaster Dome.