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1) 3 Top Langauges

A) Chinese (Mandarin) – 885 million

B) Spanish – 332 million

C) English – 322 million

2) Sadist – Extreme cruelty

Chauvinist - a person with a prejudiced belief in the superiority of his or her own kind

Quixotic - idealistic without regard to practicality

3) Disco – 1970’s

I Like Ike – 1950’s

Grunge – 1990’s

4) QUOTATIONS – Look @ Sheet

5) 3 Characteristics of Romantic Period

Moral Certainty

Individualism / Independence



Journey from City to Country

6) 3 Characteristics of Gothic Literature



Dark, seductive women

Animals, plants w/ strange power


7) Chaos – Not orderly, confusion

Plutonian – Infernal, hell

Allegory – Representation of Abstract Ideas

Deranged – Mentally ill

Pestilence – Plague, evil

Sepulchre – Tomb

Specter – Ghost, phantom,

Cadaver – Dead body

Conflagration – Large, destructive fire

8) Gothic Elements in "The Black Cat"



Premature Death

Animal with strange powers

9) Gothic Elements in "Rappachinni’s Daughter"

Dark, seductive women

Plant with strange powers

Evil consequences of science


10) Literal v. Figurative

Object can have both literal <taken at face value> or a figurative <symbolic, deeper

11) Wiccan – white witch / magic

Edifice – Building

Demeanor – Way a person conducts him or her self

Haughty – Proud, arrogant

Visage – Face

Alchemy – Chemistry

Amenable – Yield or submit

Erudite – Learned

Antipathy – Dislike, opposite of feeling

Iniquity – Sin

Melancholy – Depression

Leech – Doctor

Ignominy – Disgraceful or dishonorable action

12) 5 Symbols of Scarlet Letter

Scarlet A – Adultery

Scarlet A – Able

Pearl – Adultery

Pearl – Pearl of Great Price

Chillingworth – Cold and chilling personality

Dimmesdale – Life was dimming

13) Date of Salem Witch Trials


14) Relationship Hawthorne to SWT

Great Uncle was a Judge



17) Reviews SL Quiz and Test

18) Transcendentalism

19) 5 Beliefs of Transcendentalists

One with Nature

Man is naturally good




Civil Disobedience

Social reform

20) Study p. 4 – Transcendentalist Packet

21) Communes – community, group

Utopia – Idealistic, impractical schemes

Intuition – Power of thought of attaining direct knowledge without evidential thought

Desperation – Loss of hope

Repudiated – Disown, reject

22) A) Fuller Firsts

Female Magazine editor

Female Foreign Correspondent

Female Literary Critic


Female Journalist

    1. 3 Facts of Life

Oldest of 9 kids

Read Latin by 6

Gender Duality

Educated @ home

23) Study Thoreau sheets

24) Thoreau @ Walden

Moved in July 4, 1845

Went on Nature Walks

Kept a Journal

Stayed for 2 years, 2 months and 2 days

25) do it your self

26) Shakers

Lots of Dancing

Simple, Plain

Hard work


Adopt new members

27) 3 Things in Thoreau’s Journal

Friends visiting

Social Events


28) Transcendentalist Crossword

29) Hester Crawford – Real Court Case, model for SL, real SL in Puritan Times

30) Blue Back Speller – Noah Webster – reader – sold 25 million copies

31) The Crucible – Arthur Miller – Indict of MacArthyism – Puritan Intolerance = Red Inquisition

32) Biblical origin of Pearl’s name – "Pearl of Great Price"

33) Original Sin – belief that people are born with sin so no one is perfect

34) Microcosm - a miniature model of something

35) The God that Failed – Book by Richard Wright – Black Communist who moved to Russia until he figured out the Commies were using him – moved to France and wrote book showing evil of Communism – 1950’s

36) Black Man – Satan and Pearl’s name for Chillingworth – coincidence, I think not!

37) Mistress Hibbins – Governor’s sister, witch, followed Black Man of the forest

38) Dramatic Irony – when the character doesn’t know something the audience does

39) The Dial – Literary Magazine of the Transcendentalist Club – edited by Margaret Fuller

40) p. 5-7 Transcendentalist Packet

Neo – Platonic view of nature – Nature is symbolic

View of Jesus – Jesus like everyone else except he knew how to transcend; everyone can be like Jesus

Active Soul – Concern for this life over afterlife

Reasons for Rise of Transcendentalists

Erosion of Calvinism

Impact of science and technology



European ideas

Influences on Transcendentalism

Plato – reality is beyond appearances

Immanuel Kent – Spontaneity, Tabula Rasa


Liberalism to conformity

God in Nature to only one God

41) Concord Hymn

Poem by Emerson

42) Epigram – poem dealing with one thing

43) Why did Thoreau go to Walden?

Brother’s death

Meet facts of life

Back to Nature

Why did Thoreau leave Walden?

He had met the facts of life

He had gotten over his brother’s death

He had experienced nature

44) Miranda – Fictional person created my Margaret Fuller – Her Imaginary Friend – "Woman in the 19th Century"

45) 3 Things Thoreau did besides write



Made Pencils

Note: You might want to change some things to seem as though we did not have this paper. Just a thought.